Global Forum on Agricultural Research  
GFAR in Action
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As GFAR matures into an increasingly present and dynamic initiaitive, it would be timely to restate its objectives, goals, and methodology so as to answer the question that so many have been asking....

....What is GFAR?

GFAR is a stakeholder-led initiative that serves as a neutral forum for the discussion of strategic issues in agricultural research for development (ARD). It facilitates and promotes cost-effective partnerships and strategic alliances among ARD stakeholders in their efforts to alleviate poverty, increase food security and promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

GFAR stakeholders work together to define and develop the GFAR Programme of Work and activities in a consultative manner. The seven GFAR stakeholders are: National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), international agricultural research centres of the CGIAR, advanced research institutes, farmers' organisations, NGOs, private sector, and donors and development agencies.

The Global Forum operates at two levels. The first one is constituted by all the activities, programmes and projects that GFAR stakeholders decide to jointly undertake in the context of the Global Forum. This first level is referred to as the GFAR Business Plan. The second level is constituted by the support activities provided by the GFAR Secretariat with the objective of facilitating the implementation of the GFAR Business Plan through dialogue, exchange of information, capacity-building and partnership facilitation. This defines the GFAR Secretariat's Programme of Work.

Download The GFAR Business Plan:

  • 2000-2003  (English version) [97 Kb]   (French version) [100 Kb]   (Spanish version) [110 Kb]
  • 2004-2006   [540 Kb]

The GFAR Secretariat plays a catalytic role in order to:

  • Facilitate the flow of information and knowledge among ARD stakeholders. This is being done through, among others, the Electronic Global Forum -EGFAR ( and the Regional Agricultural R&D Information Systems (RAIS).
  • Development of a ARD strategic agenda through a forum for dialogue among stakeholders on topics of common interest among them.
  • Facilitate the development of networking and research partnerships among ARD stakeholders in the four thematic areas identified by stakeholders: genetic resources management and biotechnology, natural resources management and and Agroecology, commodity chains, and policy management and institutional development.
  • Strengthen the various ARD constituencies in the context of linking research to development.

The GFAR Secretariat is hosted by FAO in Rome, Italy, and the GFAR Donor Support Group is chaired by IFAD.

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