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GFAR Triennial Conference (GFAR 2006)

>> Jobs / Grants / Fellowships / Scholarships


GFAR Statutory Meetings 2006
Washington, USA - 30th November - 3rd December

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CGIAR is now accepting ideas/concept notes for Challenge Programs
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is now accepting ideas/concept notes for Challenge Programs that could be supported by the CGIAR and its partners

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FARA, CTA, CIRAD: a call for case studies for the first International Conference of the AIDA Project
The AIDA Project: call for case studies on innovations that have led to sustainable improvements in livelihoods and natural resource management in Africa’s drylands, or critical analyses of failed interventions...

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Strategic Framework for Underutilized Plant Species Research and Development
The International Centre for Underutilised Crops (ICUC) is happy to announce the publication of the "Strategic Framework for Underutilized Plant Species Research and Development with special reference to Asia and the Pacific, and to Sub-Saharan Africa"...

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Regoverning Markets call for proposals
Regoverning Markets opened a call for proposals. We are looking for empirical case studies on innovative practices in connecting smallholder farmers with dynamic agro-food markets...

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06/07/2006 Mink'a de Chorlaví Fund - 2006 Call for Proposals
10/05/06 Vacancy Announcement for the position of GFAR Executive Secretary
08/03/2006 CPWF calls for Expressions of Interest (EOI) and for "Offers of Partnerships"
30/11/2005 Workshop on High Value Products - Outcomes
28/11/05 GFAR Statutory Meetings (Marrakech, December 2005) - Preliminary documents
20/11/05 GFAR/DURAS: Roundtable discussion on Competitive Grants Scheme (CGS)
09/11/05 GFAR launches Farmers Organizations Database
19/10/05 GFAR - DURAS Electronic Discussion on Competitive Grants - 2-18 November 2005
28/09/05 GFAR Annual Report 2004 - PDF document
07/09/05 International Workshop on High Value Products for Smallholders
29/07/05 12 Projects to receive DURAS funding
25/05/05 FARA General Assembly - Parallel Session: The Sub-Saharan Challenge Programme and Global Post-harvest Initiative
05/05/05 CORAF/WECARD electronic debate
13/04/05 2nd Inter-regional Workshop - Cairo, May 10-11 2005
07/04/05 F.A.O. - Professional vacancy announcement: Agricultural Research Officer (NARS)
07/04/05 IFS: new research grant opportunities for young researchers from developing countries
31/03/05 International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC) - Vacancy announcement: Director General
03/03/05 GFAR secretariat Programme of Work and Budget 2005
03/03/05 DURAS 2nd Call for Proposals: 173 pre-proposals submitted
25/02/05 The African Academy of Sciences: call for candidates to fill the position of Executive Director
02/02/05 IFAR: Professional Development Program 2005
18/02/05: Rothamsted International African Fellows Programme: 2nd Call for Pre-Proposals
18/02/05: A Technology Platform on "Global Animal Health"
16/12/04: Project DURAS Competitive Grants Scheme: 2nd Call for Proposals
15/12/04: GFAR Business Plan 2004-2006
24/09/04: Roundtable Discussion on Stakeholder Analysis for Effective Partnership Building

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