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GFAR's Global Partnership Programmes

New modes of research collaboration are emerging as part of the gradual shift in the organisational structure of science and research towards more collaborative modalities and participatory approaches. In the new context that is emerging at the beginning of the 21st century, the strategic importance of co-operation, of networking and of research partnerships is significantly increasing. The Global Forum, as a multistakeholder led initiative, was established precisely to facilitate and promote the emergence of these "new and innovative" research partnerships, which can play a key role in the process of building the emerging Global Agricultural Research System in ARD. For this purpose GFAR is fostering Global Partnership Programmes (GPPs) which are collaborative programmes, projects or activities initiated, developed and implemented by recognized GFAR stakeholder groups, and which remain open to participation by other stakeholders as and when they find a suitable niche. GPPs seek to exploit the comparative advantages of participating stakeholders, and will are aimed to be implemented at the most effective level - local, regional or global.

As indicated in the GFAR 2004-2006 Business Plan research partnerships will be developed around four areas considered to be of global importance by GFAR stakeholders in 2000, and reaffirmed as still being relevant now and likely to remain so in the near future. These thematic areas are:

  • genetic resources management and biotechnology;
  • natural resources management and agro-ecology;
  • commodity chains/under-utilised species; and
  • policy management and institutional development.

In these pages you will find information on all GFAR's facilitated partnership programmes and links to their web sites were all relevant documentation can be accessed and downloaded.

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