Global Forum on Agricultural Research  
GFAR in Action
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GFAR is a stakeholder led initiative launched in October 1996

GFAR was founded by representatives of the national agricultural research systems in developing countries (NARS), advanced research institutions (ARIs), regional and sub-regional organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), farmers' organisations, the private sector, international agricultural research centres (IARCs) mostly belonging to the CGIAR, and the donor community.

One of GFAR's key strengths is that it provides a common meeting place in which all seven stakeholder constituencies can participate, and bring together their comparative advantages in the research and development process. A Forum of this kind is the ideal platform for addressing issues of global concern, where the participation of a broad and very diverse set of actors is required. Whereas the Forum itself meets formally only every three years, its stakeholders carry out their programmes continuously in pursuit of their agreed aims, facilitated by the GFAR Secretariat and under the aegis of the GFAR-SC.

The key gathering at which all GFAR stakeholders come together is the triennial Plenary meeting.

All the GFAR stakeholders met at the first GFAR
Conference in May 2000 in Dresden (Germany)

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