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Education reform

Education and learning form the fountainhead for agricultural innovation. This is more so when agriculture, driven by highly competitive globalized markets, is becoming more knowledge intensive. There is an acute crisis in agricultural education. The youth is not attracted to take up agriculture as a profession and are not inclined to studying agricultural sciences. This affects farming, agricultural extension and advisory services, research, education, enterprise and the spread of new knowledge, skills and technology. Educational reform is now es... more

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Agricultural Higher Education in the 21st C

The world population continues to grow at about 1.5 % a year. The projected 7 billion for last...
2014 World Agriculture Prize awarded to world-renowned soil scientist Paul Vlek

2014 World Agriculture Prize awarded to world-renowned soil scientist Paul Vlek

Nanjing Agricultural University, China, September 20 2014: The GCHERA World Agriculture Prize...

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