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Small farmer entrepreneurship

GFRA has long pioneered actions linking innovation and smallholder farmers to markets. This has included support to a wide range of actions, including the EC-funded Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Markets programme.   Through a new collective programme termed Supporting African Women in Agriculture (SAWA). GFAR is mobilizing private sector enterprise networks, known and anticipated innovation platforms, venture funds and enterprise training partners, together with a wide range of enabling networks in education, research, youth, ... more

Latest updates

Promoting Women’s Enterprise Development in Egypt

Promoting Women’s Enterprise Development in Egypt

From Thomas Price, Senior Officer, Agricultural Innovation and Society, and Iman El-Kaffass,...

Beyond the Chocolate Bar: How Mars is Helping Smallholder Farmers

Farming First TV spoke to John Cordaro, Global Business Advisor at Mars, to find out what the...
Introducing a new initiative from Belgium: "TupperTerre”

Introducing a new initiative from Belgium: "TupperTerre”

Over the last decade an average of 43 family farms are disappearing each week in Belgium....
Call for papers ETFRN News 57: Effective forest and farm producer organisations

Call for papers: Effective forest and farm producer organisations

The forthcoming ETFRN News will interest all those engaged in managing or supporting forest and...
World Food Day: Innovation Must Support Family Farmers

World Food Day: Innovation Must Support Family Farmers

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) welcomes a new UN Food and Agriculture...
For Smallholder Farmers, Tenure Makes a Crucial Difference in Livelihoods

For Smallholder Farmers, Tenure Makes a Crucial Difference in Livelihoods

Written by: David Palmer (UNFAO) and Andrew Hilton (UNFAO) Millions of smallholders...

Relevant bookmarks

Agriculture for Impact: The Entrepreneurship eNews

The E-magazine of the World’s Farmers - May, 2013

Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Markets

Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Markets: In most developing countries, smallholder farming is...

e-GFAR - Welcome to e-GFAR, the website of GFAR

The website of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)