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Nutrition security

One billion people in the world do not have enough food to eat, and many more are affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Undernutrition irreversibly damages cognitive and physical development, and causes severe stunting in children. It is also estimated that it contributes to the loss of an average of 2-3 percent of GDP in developing countries each year. The international development community has acknowledged the magnitude of this challenge and is addressing it but too often through individual initiatives and programs that could have great... more

Latest updates

The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countri

The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China towards more sustainable food security and nutrition

It has been five weeks since the CACAARI Secretariat launched the online consultations on...
SPRING Interactive Agriculture and Nutrition Context

Context Matters: SPRING Interactive Agriculture and Nutrition Context Assessment Guide for Improved Multisectoral Design

Understanding local contexts is critical to designing and implementing effective approaches to...
Healthy Food for a healthy World: Leveraging Agriculture and Food Security to Im

Healthy Food for a Healthy World- Working towards nutrients security

By Stephanie Brittain canwefeedtheworld   More than 800 million people suffer from...
Stockholm Food Forum 2015 - Image

Stockholm Food Forum 2015

Taking place in Sweden on June 1st – 2nd 2015, at the Clarion Hotel Sign. The second...
The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countri

Share your views on the role of agricultural innovation systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China: Online consultation

This online discussion is initiated by the Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of...
Releasing GFEP report on Forests and Food Security

Releasing GFEP report and policy brief on Forests and Food Security

The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative provides a mechanism for effectively...

Relevant bookmarks

Agriculture-Nutrition Community of Practice (Ag2Nut CoP)

Agricultural Production, Dietary Diversity, and Climate Variability

Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) - Conference Outcome Document: Framework for Action

ICN2 Conference Outcome Document: Rome Declaration on Nutrition

Nutrition and agricultural development

Meeting of the Minds on Nutrition Impact of Food Systems

Meeting of the Minds on Nutrition Impact of Food Systems

Nutrition and agricultural development