GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief - Farmer involvement in scaling-out impacts on major crops

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief - Farmer involvement in scaling-out impacts on major crops

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is an initiative that works across African countries to improve the productivity and sustainable production of smallholder farmers, the majority of who are women. AGRA strives to effect change across the entire agriculture value chain through integrated programs that ensure smallholders have what they need to succeed – good seeds, healthy soils, robust markets, information, financing, storage, and effective policies. The organization has built an alliance of partners who agree on the Green Revolution strategy and is aligning its investments with NEPAD’s CAADP Compact Strategy to achieve scale and impact.

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Kroma, Margaret.
Publication date: 
3 p.
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