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EGFAR Newsletter
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Latest newsletters
- GFAR Update 23/06/2015
- GFAR Update 29/05/2015
- GFAR Update 07/05/2015
- GFAR Update 28/03/2015
- GFAR Update 16/03/2015
- GFAR Update 17/02/2015
- Together, we are shaping the future of agriculture 05/02/2015
- Join the Gender in Agriculture Partnership 26/01/2015
- GFAR Update 19/01/2015
- GFAR Update 30/12/2014
- Still time to join the conversation on the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework 08/12/2014
- Tell us what you think 01/12/2014
- GFAR Update 11/11/2014
- GFAR Update 16/10/2014
- Rights of Farmers for Data, Information and Knowledge - A CIARD E-Discussion 10/10/2014
- GFAR Update 02/10/2014
- GFAR Update 03/09/2014
- GFAR Update 12/08/2014
- E-Discussion on “Forward Thinking for ICT use in Asian Agri-Food Chains” 07/08/2014
- GFAR invites your comments on the draft CGIAR Capacity Development Guidelines 25/07/2014
- GFAR Update 25/07/2014
- GFAR Update 16/06/2014
- GFAR Update 29/05/2014
- Impact assessment of agricultural research - An FAO e-mail conference 15/05/2014
- Joint GODAN-CIARD Consultation on Open Agricultural Knowledge for Development 12/04/2014
- Women Farmers Lead Innovation 17/03/2014
- Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) - Happy International Women's Day! 07/03/2014
- Have your say on the future shape of CGIAR research 27/01/2014
- CGIAR Consortium Workshop: towards a CGIAR Strategy on Capacity Development 08/01/2014
- Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist - Gender equity in agricultural research 22/11/2013
- Marking a year from GCARD2 06/11/2013
- International Day of Rural Women 15/10/2013
- The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2013-5) is now online 01/10/2013
- GFAR Theory of Change - stakeholder consultation survey deadline extended 27/09/2013
- GFAR Update 09/09/2013
- Have your say in shaping the GFAR Theory of Change: stakeholder consultation survey 06/09/2013
- G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists build strong linkage with GFAR 04/09/2013
- Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist - Women Entrepreneurship and Innovation 12/08/2013
- Draft Agriculture Report Available for Public Comment 07/08/2013
- The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2013-4) is now online 01/08/2013
- Consultation on new CGIAR open access policy 20/07/2013
- Consultation on new CGIAR open access policy 11/07/2013
- GFAR Update 05/07/2013
- New directions for GFAR: Important changes agreed in structure and operation 12/06/2013
- Celebrating the International Day of Biodiversity: Building Collective Action on the Sustainable Use of Agro-biodiversity 22/05/2013
- Towards better networking and collaboration in agriculture: AgriVIVO 1.0 launched 20/05/2013
- New Chairperson appointed for the Global Forum on Agricultural Research 07/05/2013
- Call for Articles on Nutrition by GFAR and the New Agriculturist 20/03/2013
- International Women’s Day 2013 - The Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP): Empowering Rural Women 08/03/2013
- GFAR Update - Issue 01 28/02/2013
- Transforming Agricultural Education in India 20/02/2013
- Survey on partner and stakeholder understanding of CGIAR 14/02/2013
- Reminder - Chairperson - the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) 13/02/2013
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (01/2013) is now online 22/01/2013
- Season's Greetings 21/12/2012
- Include Agriculture in Addressing Global Climate Change Challenges 04/12/2012
- Delivering the Change Together - Reflections on GCARD2 - Mark Holderness, GFAR Executive Secretary 14/11/2012
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (11/2012) is now online 08/11/2012
- The "New Extensionist": Roles, capacities, and strategies to reduce hunger and poverty 05/09/2012
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 06/2012 03/09/2012
- CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) Action Plan Online Review and Consultations 29/08/2012
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (7/2012) is now online 04/07/2012
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 05/2012 02/07/2012
- Sustainable Agriculture is Our Common Future-Agriculture and Rural Development Day at Rio+20 Report 28/06/2012
- Agricultural Innovation Systems and Family Farming - An FAO E-mail Conference - June, 2012 01/06/2012
- The G8 & the Global Forum on Agricultural Research Mobilizing Actions for Impacts 18/05/2012
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (5/2012) is now online 14/05/2012
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 04/2012 25/04/2012
- A new study released by YPARD highlights the skills and competencies required by the new young professional in AR4D 12/04/2012
- Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize 2012 10/04/2012
- New Senior Officer joins GFAR Secretariat 03/04/2012
- New association to foster work of international agricultural research centers 30/03/2012
- Empowering women in agriculture: rethinking agricultural needs and actions through the eyes of women 22/03/2012
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 03/2012 08/03/2012
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2012-2) is now online 07/03/2012
- Global Conference on Women in Agriculture in New Delhi-Twitter 24/02/2012
- GFAR announcements: The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2012-1) is now online 17/01/2012
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 01/2012 09/01/2012
E-news and newsletters from 2006 to 2011
- GFAR e-news: Call for a new YPARD Steering Committee member from the private sector (for profit) 29/11/2011
- GFAR e-news: Tell others about the value of your work through GFAR and New Agriculturist 14/11/2011
- GFAR e-news: G20 Experts to Meet on Food Security Solutions 09/09/2011
- GFAR and GCARD Road Map Recognized in G20 Ministerial Declaration 29/07/2011
- Strengthening the Role of GFAR in Promoting Forward Thinking in AR4D 27/07/2011
- Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing 27/05/2011
- GFAR seeks qualified applicants for two new project positions within the Secretariat 19/04/2011
- Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing: e-consultation 30/03/2011
- CIARD actively endorsed in India and China 14/03/2011
- Working together on the sustainable use of Agrobiodiversity and the development importance of local varieties and indigenous species 25/02/2011
- Building true partnership between Science and Society: Lessons from DURAS 15/02/2011
- Video Interview with Prof. Monty Jones, GFAR Chair 05/01/2011
- The latest draft of the GCARD Road Map has now been released: Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) Systems for Global Impact 20/12/2010
- The Top 100 Questions of Importance to the Future of Global Agriculture 13/12/2010
- Agriculture and Rural Development Day maps out ways forward addressing agriculture and climate change. 08/12/2010
- Asian Federation of Information Technology Associations (AFITA) – 2010 Conference 12/10/2010
- Young professionals – meeting the needs of tomorrow’s agriculture 10/09/2010
- Call for Nomination: ISPC Chair and Members 21/05/2010
- A new platform to promote access to agricultural science: the launch of the new CIARD website 17/05/2010
- GCARD2010 E-News Update: Getting Ready for the Conference 12/03/2010
- GFAR e-news: Chair-elect announced for the Global Forum on Agricultural Research 20/11/2009
- New Summary Briefings on Economic and Social Issues from FAO 09/10/2009
- Progress on the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework 22/09/2009
- GFAR E-NEWS: Have YOUR say on the future agricultural research of the CGIAR 07/08/2009
- GFAR Newsletter Issue 23-24, 02/2009 01/01/2009
- GFAR Newsletter Issue 21-22, 06/2008 01/06/2008
- GFAR Newsletter Issue 20, 09/2007 01/09/2007
- GFAR Newsletter Issue 19, 04/2007 01/03/2007
- GFAR Newsletter Issue 17-18, 01/2007 01/01/2007
- GFAR Newsletter - Issue 16, 04/2006 01/04/2006
Newsletters from December 2000 to December 2005
N. 15, 12/2005
N. 14, 09/2005
N. 13, 05/2005
N. 12, 12/2004
N. 11, 10/2004
N. 10, 08/2004
N. 09, 04/2004
N. 08, 12/2003
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003
N. 05, 12/2002
N. 04, 10/2002
N. 03, 08/2002
N. 02, 04/2002
N. 01, 03/2001
N. 00, 12/2000