The "New Extensionist": Roles, capacities, and strategies to reduce hunger and poverty

Recognizing the chronic need for strengthening of advisory services around the world, a key change identified in the GCARD Roadmap, The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) was a founding member and co-funder of the recently established GFRAS.
The formulation of “The New Extensionist” paper by GFRAS, setting out new directions and opportunities for advisory services, is supported by GFAR as an important activity in reshaping advisory services to better deliver to farmers needs. The process for drafting this important document includes a survey for inputs followed by an e-consultation and will also be nurtured by discussions at a GCARD2 pre-meeting in Punta del Este, where the final draft will be discussed. We invite all GFAR constituencies to take part in the September 4th-21st 2012 survey and e-discussion being conducted by GFRAS in developing the GCARD Position Paper on Extension and Advisory Services: Roles, Strategies, and Capacities to Reduce Hunger and Poverty.


Roles, Strategies, and Capacities to Reduce Hunger and Poverty

September 4th-21st 2012

We need your input! We are preparing an important paper called "The New Extensionist", proposing the new roles of extension and advisory services in rural development for GCARD. Are you interested enough to read the two page summary of this paper, fill in a quick questionnaire, receive the results and share your thoughts in an e-discussion? Please read on.

What is the issue?
Is today's extension agent a superwoman (or superman)?!

Extension and advisory services (EAS) are expected to do everything now from organise farmer groups to teach on nutrition and health. In today's changing and complex world, what is the role of EAS? And what capabilities are needed to equip EAS to play their role in reducing hunger and poverty worldwide? As mentioned above, the position paper called "The New Extensionist," describes the new roles and actors in extension and advisory services and the capacities needed at individual, organisational, and enabling environment level to adequately fulfil these roles.


We would like to have your feedback from the perspective of your sector or region. The views of as many different stakeholders as possible will be captured through a global electronic discussion held on "The New Extensionist" paper as a lead up to a face-to-face session at the GCARD meeting on 30 October 2012. We want to produce a position paper that will incorporate YOUR views and expertise.


All you have to do is read the 2-page summary and recommendations of the paper, and then click this link to take you to the survey. Please respond to the survey before September 11th (it will remain open until September 17th, but responses will be summarised and shared on Sept. 12th). At the end of the survey you will be asked if you would like to receive the results, join the "New Extensionist" email discussion from 12th–19th September, or to be alerted when the results and report are posted on the GFRAS web site by September 26th. We will ask you for your email address so that we can invite you and/or alert you or get back to you if we need any clarifications. If you cannot access the link, need a word version of the survey, would like be sent the 2-page summary OR the full 20 page position paper for comment, or do not receive the email discussion invite by September 13th once you have signed up, then please contact .
We look forward to seeing you online very soon and to hearing all your feedback.