RIU Innovation Challenge Call for Proposals
The Research into Use (RIU) programme, through the RIU Innovation Challenge Fund, will fund initiatives that will contribute to RIU's purpose by delivering significant use of RNRRS and other natural resources research outputs for the benefit (direct or indirect) of poor men and women in different contexts.
The Research into Use (RIU) programme aims to maximise the poverty-reducing impact of the DFID-funded natural resources research produced under the Renewable Natural
Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Through a variety of funding mechanisms, one of which is the Innovation Challenge Fund, RIU will identify what conditions can best support the significant use of natural resource knowledge for the direct or indirect benefit of the poor in many different contexts.
The RIU Innovation Challenge Fund will initially operate in six countries in Asia: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Cambodia and Vietnam. Another Challenge Fund will be extended to selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa in late 2007.
The purpose of the Innovation Challenge Fund is to provide financial support to take promising research, funded by DFID (and other agencies where appropriate), to the next stage of use. The initiatives will contribute to RIU's purpose by delivering significant use of RNRRS and other natural resources research outputs for the benefit3 (direct or indirect) of poor men and women in different contexts.
Funds will be available for one or more of the following tasks:
1. To support service delivery or the commercial production of research products by means of market testing, prototype development or other mechanisms in areas beyond the original pilot/testing locations
2. To support and strengthen 'knowledge brokering services' that make it possible for people to access new knowledge which can help poor people, especially women, to innovate and create livelihood opportunities
3. To strengthen the ability of users to define their needs for particular research-based knowledge, particularly the ability of the poor and their agents
4. To improve the policy environment necessary for innovation which benefits the poor (and poor women in particular), by enhancing employment, nutritional, enterprise-development, and other livelihood opportunities.
To apply, you need to complete (in English) the Concept Note Form which can be downloaded from the Research Into Use website (http://www.researchintouse.com/index.php?section=5&subsection=15) and return it no later than 12 noon (GMT) on 30th September 2007 to .
Alternatively, you can request a form by writing to
Last updated on:
Thu Sep 06 10:45:37 CEST 2007 Attached resources