The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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  We're shaping the future of agriculture
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  GCARD 2010
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Together we're shaping the future of agriculture

What does the Global Forum do?
GFAR brings together all those with the power to shape and determine the future of farming and puts the needs of the poor at the centre of agricultural research for development. GFAR provides the inclusive global platform for their voices and collective actions, an essential for delivering rapid and sustainable change.
GFAR provides the mechanism and the opportunity that brings together the global agricultural research for development community to work coherently, inclusively and equitably, driven by the needs of the poor. GFAR’s extensive stakeholder networks, together with the support of the funding agencies, bring:
  • Improved alignment of research with development aims,
  • Better coordination of activities,
  • More integration of efforts,
  • Real engagement with the intended end-users of agricultural research for development
  • Greater linkage between research investment and development outcomes
The key strategic objectives of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research are:
  • Advocacy for change through agricultural research to meet the future needs of humanity
  • Reshaping institutions for the future to link agricultural science and society
  • Increasing ARD effectiveness by fostering inter-regional partnership and learning
  • Bridging the knowledge gaps and enabling the poor to access critical knowledge to empower their own innovation and development
GFAR’s actions are mobilized and delivered through the partnerships, collaborative networks and institutions brought together through the Forum, as determined by their representatives in the multistakeholder
GFAR Steering Committee. The GFAR Secretariat facilitates, coordinates and supports the global platform and its actions.

What’s in this area of the site
Through the sub-links on the left-hand side of this page you can also find out more about a range of useful tools for action and Forum initiatives, which are divided up in our four main areas of focus listed above.

To read GFAR's 2009 Plan of Work, please click here.

Last updated on:
Thu Jul 09 20:55:02 CEST 2009

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