The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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  GCARD 2010
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Global Forum's archive of news


GFAR news:

1) "Dedication: Norman E. Borlaug. The Humanitarian Plant Scientist Who Changed the World", Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 28 - 18/12/2009
2) Pre-registration for GCARD 2010 is now open! - 18/12/2009
3) Chair-elect announced for the Global Forum on Agricultural Research - 23/11/2009
4) New Summary Briefings on Economic and Social Issues from FAO - 12/10/2009
5) How Borlaug's dwarfs came to stand tall in India's agronomy - 28/09/2009
6) Norman Ernest Borlaug (March 25, 1914 - September 12, 2009) - 25/09/2009
7) Want to know all about GCARD 2010? - 17/09/2009
8) Contribute to shaping the future of agriculture - 04/09/2009
9) Get ready for the GCARD 2010 regional e-Consultations - 26/08/2009
10) Investment in AR4D - 23/07/2009
11) ICTs and Agricultural Research: Some observations from recent meetings - 16/07/2009
12) Registration for receiving GCARD 2010 updates is now open - 14/07/2009
13) The L'Aquila Statement on Global Food Security - 10/07/2009
14) Short report from the ICT Workshop at the Science forum 2009 - 09/07/2009
15) The Science Forum 2009: connecting advanced science with development - 01/07/2009
16) ICT Workshop at Science Forum 2009 Pushes the Envelope - 16/06/2009
17) Enhancing Development Impact from Research: GCARD 2010 - 20/05/2009
18) The winners for the Science Forum 2009 Poster Competition have been chosen! - 14/05/2009
19) The G-8 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting: The critical role of agricultural research in development - 20/04/2009
20) Inside Africa's First Global Horticulture Congress - 09/04/2009
21) GFAR e-news launched - 11/03/2009
22) Call for Proposals for the Poster Exhibition at Science Forum 2009 - 26/02/2009
23) Deadline extended for submitting abstracts for the ISHS-ProMusa symposium (China, September 2009) - 26/02/2009
24) Blog "social report" of the GFAR/CGIAR KEL workshop in Maputo - 09/12/2008
25) New document: Advocacy for ICM by GFAR and the Regional Forums - 19/08/2008
26) A Statement from GFAR to the FAO High-Level Conference - 30/05/2008
27) Publication from PROLINNOVA: "Innovation Africa: enriching farmers' livelihoods" - 29/01/2008
28) Call for nominations for Executive Board of CGIAR GCP - 21/01/2008
29) Dr. Mark Holderness appointed as GFAR Executive Secretary - 13/11/2007
30) New publication: "Proposed Architecture and Workflow for Managing and Sharing Distributed Information on Organizations... - 05/11/2007
31) Communiqué after the GFAR Retreat in Alexandria - 05/04/2007
32) ICM4ARD: Application Profile for describing Organizations - 21/03/2007
33) Agreement between NEPAD and FARA - 13/03/2007
34) Minutes of the GFAR Statutory Meetings - 12/03/2007
35) New Executive Secretary ad interim - 08/03/2007
36) GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference Report - 23/02/2007
37) GFAR 2006 Outputs - 22/12/2006
38) The new GFAR Document Repository in AGRIS - 13/12/2006
39) Strategic Framework for Underutilized Plant Species R&D - 02/11/2006
40) Towards a GPP on Linking Farmers to Markets - 15/05/2006
41) AARINENA ad hoc Committee for a GPP on LFM - 03/04/2006

from the GFAR "e-news features":

1) Chair-elect announced for the Global Forum on Agricultural Research - 23/11/2009
2) New Summary Briefings on Economic and Social Issues from FAO - 12/10/2009
3) Norman Ernest Borlaug (March 25, 1914 - September 12, 2009) - 25/09/2009
4) Contribute to shaping the future of agriculture - 04/09/2009
5) Investment in AR4D - 23/07/2009
6) ICTs and Agricultural Research: Some observations from recent meetings - 16/07/2009
7) Registration for receiving GCARD 2010 updates is now open - 14/07/2009
8) The L'Aquila Statement on Global Food Security - 10/07/2009
9) The Science Forum 2009: connecting advanced science with development - 01/07/2009
10) ICT Workshop at Science Forum 2009 Pushes the Envelope - 16/06/2009
11) Enhancing Development Impact from Research: GCARD 2010 - 20/05/2009
12) The winners for the Science Forum 2009 Poster Competition have been chosen! - 14/05/2009
13) The G-8 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting: The critical role of agricultural research in development - 20/04/2009
14) Inside Africa's First Global Horticulture Congress - 09/04/2009

from the EGFAR Open Site:

1) CGIAR Reform: News Update - 11/12/2009
2) Agropolis Fondation launches its 2010 Call for Proposals “Grand Federative Projects” - 07/12/2009
3) The Louis MALASSIS International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food - 12/11/2009
4) The role of ovum for gender preselection in farm animals - 25/10/2009
5) New issue of the YPARD newsletter - 12/10/2009
6) The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Internship Awards - 11/08/2009
7) Final Report of the Science & Technology Europe-Africa Project Workshop - 28/07/2009
8) ICRISAT Genebank- Conserving Biodiversity for Food Security - 03/07/2009
9) CIAT - Program Officer - 18/06/2009
10) AWARD Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator - 28/05/2009
11) AWARD Communications Manager - 28/05/2009
12) OECD - Head, Enterprise Business Systems - 22/05/2009
13) The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL): new subscription prices - 14/05/2009
14) Research Fellow in Agriculture, Science and Policy at IDS - 08/05/2009
15) IFAD - Special Advisor to the President - 04/05/2009
16) IFAD - Director, Office of the President - 04/05/2009
17) OECD - Wiki Platform Developer - 04/05/2009
18) OECD - Regulatory Reform Analyst - 04/05/2009
19) OECD - Policy Analyst on Aid Effectiveness (Transparent and Responsible Aid) - 04/05/2009
20) African Fellows Programme: 9th Call for Pre-Proposals - 09/04/2009
21) African Journal of Biotechnology - 08/04/2009
22) Impact Assessment Officer Position at CIAT - 08/04/2009
23) Concept Notes for the East Horn of Africa CoP of the Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) - 08/04/2009
24) Summary Report of the Consultation Workshop on Identifying Supplementary Indicators, Entebbe 2009 - 08/04/2009
25) Multimedia web based publication on Food Sovereignty - from IIED - 03/04/2009
26) Future Agricultures International Conference "Seasonality Revisited": call for papers - 23/03/2009
27) New Policy Briefs on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from the DFID RIU Programme - 23/03/2009
28) CIAT vacancy: Resource Mobilization Officer - 17/03/2009
29) UK Parliamentary Inquiry into the Global Food Crisis: Call for Evidence - 17/03/2009
30) Vacancy - Advisor for inclusive business development - 13/03/2009
31) Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science: Call for Papers - 09/03/2009
32) Synthesis paper on 'Conservation tillage in East and Southern Africa: yields and rain water productivity from on-farm action reserach' - 05/03/2009
33) AWARD 2009 Fellowship Announcement (Round Two) Available to women agricultural scientists from: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia - 26/02/2009
34) Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment (JENE): call for papers - 17/02/2009
35) IFAR's professional development program 2009 - 19/01/2009
36) GlobalHort call for project concept notes - 08/01/2009
37) Inventory on innovative farmer advisory services or systems in Africa - 05/01/2009
38) Innovation Asia-Pacific Symposium: first call for contributions - 08/12/2008
39) Input Fairs - 21/11/2008
40) APAARI - Vacancy: APARIS Coordinator [DEADLINE EXTENDED] - 17/11/2008
41) 3rd Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology - 17/11/2008
43) Bio-fuel crops research for energy security and rural development in developing countries - 03/11/2008
44) Recent developments for the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research - 06/10/2008
45) ICRISAT Library has developed the web-enabled SAT e-library - 06/10/2008
46) EC Call for proposals on Non-CGIAR Global ARD funded from the Food Security Thematic Programme consultation with SAG - 06/10/2008
47) FARA RAILS consultation: inventory of farmer-based information systems using voice and audio - 03/10/2008
48) A new series of the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM starting on 1st October - 29/09/2008
49) Latest issues of the Newsletter of the AVRDC, the World Vegetable Center - 26/09/2008
50) News from the CGIAR Generation Challenge Program (GCP) - 25/09/2008
51) KIT Bulletin 380 - Outsourcing agricultural advisory services - 15/07/2008
52) £3.3 million boost for African science - 14/07/2008
53) FARA Secretariat looking for an ICT consultant - 27/06/2008
54) Bio-fuels Research in the CGIAR: A Perspective from the Science Council - 30/05/2008
55) DURAS Project Closing Seminar set on 11-13 June 2008 - 16/05/2008
56) DFID's Research Strategy for 2008-2013 launched - 28/04/2008
57) DURAS Documentation workshops held - 27/02/2008
58) CGIAR GCP Fellowships 2008 - Deadline for applications extended - 13/02/2008
59) APAARI - Vacancy: Executive Assistant (Information and Communication Technology) - 08/02/2008
60) Technical Assistance Specialist - West Africa Regional SPS Advisor - 21/01/2008
61) Position: Director of Finance & Administration at ILRI - 07/01/2008
62) IFAR's Professional Development Program 2008 - 04/01/2008
63) R A I L S implementation workshop, report by FARA - 03/01/2008
64) Dr. Ngongi appointed president of the Alliance for a Green revolution in Africa (AGRA) - 06/12/2007
65) Agrifeeds, the agricultural news and events aggregator - 13/11/2007
66) 1st CfP: Special Issue of the International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies - 31/10/2007
67) African Fellows Programme: 7th Call for Pre-Proposals - 23/10/2007
68) Communications for Sustainable Development Award - Call for nominations for climate change campaign - 26/09/2007
69) Call for Nominations for the 2007 CGIAR Science Awards - 25/09/2007
70) New Chairman for the CST of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) - 11/09/2007
71) Opening Access to CGIAR Research and Knowledge: From Data, Information and Collaboration to Food - 07/09/2007
72) GCP Genotyping Support Service (GSS): 1st call for proposals - 29/08/2007
73) RIU Innovation Challenge Call for Proposals - 10/08/2007
74) WARDA, CIAT, IRRI: Joint Declaration on Programmatic Alignment - 09/08/2007
75) NATURA: Call for proposals from young researchers: Technical innovation in cropping systems - 09/08/2007
76) A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration, by David A. Bainbridge - 23/07/2007
77) International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, Rome, Italy, 3-5 May 2007 - 11/07/2007
78) NEPAD debates vision for African agriculture - 05/07/2007
79) IUCN and FAO: e-conference on the major review for Theme C of the Asia-Pacific Water Summit - 05/07/2007
80) The CGIAR Cycle 2 Challenge Programs: Call for Pre-Proposals - 05/07/2007
81) Report on the Expert Consultation on Regional Research Needs Assessment in Central Asia and the Caucasus - 05/07/2007
82) New guide for conducting research in a network setting - 02/07/2007
83) New FARA website launched at 4th FARA General Assembly - 21/06/2007
84) First announcement: project for sharing information about agricultural organizations - 30/05/2007
85) Electronic forum on Horticulture for Development - 30/05/2007
86) INBAR training events in the second half of the year 2007 - 30/05/2007
87) UN Assessment of IAASTD - call for experts - 15/05/2007
88) Practitioner Fellowships provide a non-degree opportunity for qualified mid-level professionals from NGOs - 14/05/2007
89) Call for Participation/Partners: HIV/AIDS and Agriculture Conference, October 2007 - 16/04/2007
90) The Forum FARA is seeking a Coordinator for the Sub Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA CP) - 22/03/2007
91) ISHS/ProMusa Symposium: Recent advances in banana crop protection for sustainable production and improved livelihoods - 08/03/2007
92) INBAR Training Calendar 2007 - 23/02/2007
93) NARI Papa New Guinea: Vacancies - 05/02/2007
94) COL-PROTEIN deadline for proposals: 15 January 2007 - 10/01/2007
95) CGIAR is now accepting ideas for Challenge Programs - 22/11/2006
96) FARA, CTA, CIRAD: a call for case studies for the first International Conference of the AIDA Project
(Accra, Ghana, 22-24 January 2007)
- 14/11/2006
97) Regoverning Markets call for proposals - 02/11/2006
98) CPWF calls for Expressions of Interest (EOI) and for "Offers of Partnerships" - 08/03/2006