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The web space of the
Global Forum on Agricultural Research

EGFAR Community

Welcome to the EGFAR Community of registered users

EGFAR hosts discussion forums
If you are a registered user of My EGFAR, you can ask for new forums and we will create them for you. You can also ask for a private forum indicating the users that you want to participate in that forum.

Mailing list based discussion groups will be soon available.

You have to be registered and logged in to access the EGFAR Community

If you have already registered, you can log in, otherwise you can register as a new user.

Forum Help


Warning: your browser should have javascript / active scripting enabled and a privacy level not superior to Medium High (which are common settings for navigating intractive websites)


either through EGFAR:
    login at then go to “Community and forums” (when accessing the forums, you might be asked to login again)

or directly on the forum homepage 

Warning: a privacy level superior to Medium High will prevent you from using the forum

Keeping easily updated

Each time you access the forum, click on “Read new messages since my last visit”.

For the moment, in the EGFAR forums email notification is disabled, but you can override this by activating email notification in your Account page in MyEGFAR. You will receive notification emails only when new messages are posted to the forums/topics you are watching: see next paragraph on how to select forums to watch. You will not be notified of your own posts. 

Watching forums / topics
At the bottom of forum pages and topic/thread pages there is a link saying "Watch this forum" / "Watch this topic". If you activated email notification in your account at MyEGFAR, you will be notified when new messages are posted to the forums/topics you are watching.


You can either create a new thread or append a message to an existing thread. You usually start a new thread when you want to introduce a new topic in a forum.

Posting to an existing thread
go to the forum where the thread is, select the thread to which you want to post and click on the “post reply” button

Starting a new thread
go to the forum where you want to create a new topic and click on the “new topic” button

Writing and formatting
The forum uses BB Code for formatting your texts: a few formatting buttons are on top of the message area and are quite self-explanatory. These buttons also allow to insert links and images.

Uploading files

You can upload up to 10 files to each message.
The recommended procedure is to upload the reference/background documents to a “Background documents” thread.
At the bottom of each post creating/editing form, there is a an “Attach files” button.

Making a post “sticky”

Users with moderator/facilitator roles can make topics and/or posts “sticky”, meaning that those topics/posts will remain at the top regardless of the thread chronology.
Normally, topics and posts are listed in chronological order.


When you create/edit a message, a section below the message area allows you to create polls. You basically define the question, the possible answers and the duration.
Once a poll is created, it always appears on top of the topic posts so that all users can vote. Each user can vote only once, after which they will only see the partial results until the poll ends.
Only one poll at a time can be created for each thread.

GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO (SDR), viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898 E-mail:  Webmaster: