Items in the category "Research Needs Assessment"
[Document] The contributions and dynamic interaction of thousands of stakeholders from all sectors have created the GCARD Roadmap, providing a clear path forward for all involved. The Roadmap highlights the urgent changes required in AR4D systems globally, to address worldwide goals of reducing hunger and...
[Document] GFAR advocates for improved foresight, supported by forward-looking, anticipatory research and analyses that integrates the diverse views of farmers and other stakeholders on specific opportunities and problems facing them.
[Document] The GCARD Roadmap establishes an inclusive, rolling process of reform and capacity development that aims to mobilize the full power of agricultural knowledge and innovation towards meeting agriculture and food-related development needs. It proposes a six-point plan for transforming agricultural...
[Document] The contributions and dynamic interaction of thousands of stakeholders from all sectors have created the GCARD Roadmap, providing a clear path forward for all involved. The Roadmap highlights the urgent changes required in AR4D systems globally, to address worldwide goals of reducing hunger and...
[Document] In the Andes region there has been an increased interest in high-value products (HVPs), which may represent an interesting opportunity for small farmers, the development community and policy-makers throughout the region, for promoting diversified livelihoods rather than insisting on pushing small...
[Document] Agricultural research needs assessment is a continuous process in view of the fast changing socio-economic and policy scenarios and emergence of many other stakeholders, not involved earlier. Whereas many agricultural problems are country specific, there are some problems which are common to all...
[Document] This report presents the results of a workshop organized by IICA-PRODAR in the framework of the Global Initiative on Post-Harvest (GIPh), sponsored by FAO and implemented in cooperation with the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). The Workshop was conducted in Quito, Ecuador during the...
[Document] This report describes the outcome of a Regional Workshop on the proposed Global Initiative on Post-Harvest (GIPh), funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and executed in cooperation with the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). The Workshop was...
[Document] The need for an appraisal of the current status of the post-harvest sector from both institutional and stakeholder perspectives in developing countries is of paramount importance in identifying the problems, potentials and constraints of that sector. This was the rationale for the conduct of five...
[Document] The discussion focused on farmer and Farmer¿s Organisation participation in Agricultural Research, particularly with the breakdown of the Researcher-Extension Worker-Farmer triangle. A strong outcome of the meeting was the suggestions with regards to rebuilding the researcher- scientist...
[Document] This paper is about the Plank 4 of the new CGIAR Strategy that calls for the adoption, in collaboration with national and regional partners, of a regional approach to research planning, priority-setting and implementation. Given the poverty and impact focus of international public goods research,...
[Document] Workshop objective The first strategic thrust of SACCAR¿s Strategic Plan for Research and Training Coordination and Integration, is to ¿Assist NARS to set up national priorities and use them to identify regional priorities¿. The main objective of this activity is to ensure that the methodology used...
[Document] On title page: This paper is based on the presentations of the country papers/notes and deliberations at the Workshop on Research Priority Setting in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sectors in the Pacific Sub-Region, held from 28 to 30,October 2001 in Nadi, Fiji. The paper synthesises the...
[Document] In the APAARI Expert Consultation on ARD Priority Setting that took place in Bangkok from the 12th to the 14th of November the results of the three sub-regional priority setting workshops were presented and discussed, on the basis of the reports from each of these subregional priority setting...