Agrobiodiversity | Bookmarks

Descriptors for quinoa and its wild relatives

Why is it important to invest in the cultivation of quinoa?

Celebrating the International Year of Quinoa - A Future Sown Thousands of Years Ago

The International Year of Quinoa

The Fourteenth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)

InfoMus@ the newsletter of the Musa community

Teaching agrobiodiversity:a curriculum guide for higher education

Arab Palm Conference 2011

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)


The Archaeobotanist

What does ‘unlocking the potential of biodiversity’ really mean?

The Global Horticulture Initiative

The suwon Agro-biodiversity Framework

Conference on Agricultural Biodiversity in Africa Summary Report

Bioversity International: Conferences and Meetings on agro-biodiversity

Fourth Session of the Governing Body | The International Treaty