GFAR Donors
Welcome to the Donors Homepage of the GFAR. Involvement of Donors in GFAR helps them to act in concert with other stakeholders to develop innovative funding strategies and to participate in the programming of activities. This in turn leads to stronger and more effective partnerships and programs and an increasing number of joint activities.
Involvement in GFAR will help the donor constituency to act in concert on the funding and programming of activities. This website will provide information and a forum for dialogue between donors.
We anticipate that this will lead to stronger coordination and working partnerships among donors and an increasing number of joint programs and activities. We hope that the website will promote and demonstrate new funding mechanisms and innovative partnerships in research, such as with GFAR facilitated Global Partnership Programmes.
We would also like to see the website used to gain input and feedback from other constituencies.
As we develop this page further you will find information on activities undertaken by the donor constituency of GFAR, plus discussion papers and links to websites of active members.
Please feel free to give us your comments and suggestions on ways to improve the site. We also encourage you to participate in upcoming dialogues and to suggest topics for new ones.