GCARD2 (2012)

Delivering the Change Together - Reflections on GCARD2
GCARD2, organized by GFAR in partnership with the CGIAR and our wonderful hosts, the Government of Uruguay, set out to move the process forward from WHAT transformation of agricultural research for development (AR4D) is required, to HOW to implement the GCARD RoadMap in practice and the difference it makes. This message of Change was strong and persistent throughout the Conference and explicitly focused on better meeting the needs of smallholder farmers. Read more...
See the conference programme. (Additional information, not vetted as official, on the GCARD blog).
Check out the interactive presentation abut the GCARD 2 Proceedings.
Updates from the organizers
From the GCARD blog

Global discussions on agricultural curricula: Where are Africa and South East Asia?
Item URL: https://gcardblog.wordpress.com/2015/07/07/global-discussions-on-agricultural-curricula-where-are-africa-and-south-east-asia/Training the trainers: Participatory prospective analysis for forest tenure analysis in Uganda
Item URL: https://gcardblog.wordpress.com/2015/07/03/training-the-trainers-participatory-prospective-analysis-for-forest-tenure-analysis-in-uganda/The e-discussion on the ¨Role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China towards more sustainable food security and nutrition” will be extended until the 5th of June
Item URL: https://gcardblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/the-e-discussion-on-the-%c2%a8role-of-agricultural-innovation-systems-in-central-asia-and-caucasus-countries-and-china-towards-more-sustainable-food-security-and-nutrition-will-be-extended-until-the/GCARD2 sponsors



GCARD2 in the press

Networks and partnerships promoted by IICA attract attention in GCARD2 (IICA)
Prof. Monty Jones' Reflections on GCARD2 (FARA)
Addressing climate change and agricultural research through partnerships and scenario building | CGIAR Climate
Gine Zwart, Senior Policy Advisor, Oxfam: Equitable partnerships for improved foresight (from the New Agriculturist)
GCARD2 photos
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GCARD2 in the blogs