IFAP launches International Farmers' Committee on ARD
After a six month long consultation process, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) launched the International Farmers' Committee on Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) during a meeting held in Paris on 05-06 September 2005. The objective of the meeting was to discuss ARD priorities of farmers and identify collaborative activities with researchers that would respond to their needs.
At the meeting the Committee developed a five-point action plan:
- Lobby campaigns for more farmer involvement in ARD processes at all levels
- Document and disseminate best ARD management practices by examining good practices and positive processes that already exist between researchers and farmers
- Set-up capacity building programs that enhance farmers' organizations contribution to ARD
- Draw up a farmers' documentation kit on agricultural research
- Facilitate and coordinate farmer representation at agricultural research debates and discussions at various fora
The overall mandate of the Committee is to properly articulate and present farmers' concerns and interests on various ARD debates and discussion at the global level.
The meeting was organized by IFAP Secretariat and sponsored by GFAR Secretariat.
The proceedings of the meeting are available here:
