Items in the category "technology"

AgriVIVO. Fostering better networking and collaboration among researchers, research managers, practitioners, extensionists, information managers in agriculture.

Image - EGFAR [Document] Presentation of the AgriVIVO project: background and rationale, history of VIVO, AgriVIVO architecture and approach.

AgriVIVO for enabling global networking for agriculture. Concept Note

Image - EGFAR [Document] Concept note for the AgriVIVO project. The primary goal of AgriVIVO is to facilitate better networking of individual researchers and the organizations they belong to for better collaborations and less duplication of efforts. This project will demonstrate the potential for AgriVIVO to leverage...

AgriVIVO: an Ontology-based Store of URIs and Relations between Entities in Agricultural Research

Image - EGFAR [Document] In order to facilitate better collaboration between agricultural research actors and ensure more effective management of research projects and more rational funding, it is desirable to have access to comprehensive information on people's expertise, areas of activities of Institutions, existing...

Interim Proceedings of International Expert Consultation on “Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing”. Beijing, 20-23 June 2011

Image - EGFAR [Document] The International Expert Consultation at Beijing from 20-23 June 2011 sought to stimulate and develop broad-based consideration of AR4D data and is an initial step in a future global activity towards more effective and efficient sharing of Agriculture research-related data and information. The...

Focus points

Image - EGFAR [Document]