Items in the category "stakeholders"

Draft Minutes of the 20th GFAR Steering Committee Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Minutes of the 20th GFAR Steering Committee Meeting held in Beijing, China on 30th November and 1st December 2007

Draft Minutes of the 21st GFAR Steering Committee Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Minutes of the GFAR 21st Steering Committee Meeting held on 31st July and 1st August 2008 at Hotel Radisson, Montevideo

Draft Minutes of 24th Steering Committee

Image - EGFAR [Document] Draft Minutes from the 24th GFAR Steering Committee Meeting, Brussels, Belgium. 28-29 September 2010

Draft Minutes of the 25th GFAR Steering Committee

Image - EGFAR [Document] Draft Minutes of the 25th GFAR Steering Committee Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China 20 October 2011

Minutes of the 26th GFAR Steering Committee Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Minutes of 26th GFAR Steering Committee Meeting. Accra, 28 May 2012

Draft Minutes of the 4th Programme Committee Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Minutes of the 4th Programme Committee meeting. Maputo, Mozambique. 26 November 2008

Minutes of the 17th GFAR Management Team Meeting held on 26th June 2007 at FAO, Rome

Image - EGFAR [Document] Minutes of the 17th GFAR Management Team Meeting held on 26th June 2007 at FAO, Rome

Draft Minutes from the 21st GFAR Management Team Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Draft Minutes from the 21st GFAR Management Team Meeting. 28 March 2011. Abitart Hotel, Rome

Draft minutes from the 22nd GFAR Management Team Meeting

Image - EGFAR [Document] Draft minutes from the 22nd GFAR Management Team Meeting. 23rd July 2011. Hotel Tre Fontane, Rome

GCARD2. Breakout sessions P2.1: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity - CGIAR Perspectives on Agro-Biodiversity Research - Speaker's brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] In this paper/presentation addressing CG perspectives in research on agro-biodiversity, the focus and emphasis is on the plant dimension of agricultural biodiversity, with particular emphasis on the in situ conservation and on-farm management and use of agro-biodiversity.

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief – The Wheat Initiative – an International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Wheat Initiative1 aims to encourage and support the development of a vibrant global wheat public-private research community sharing resources, capabilities, data and ideas to improve wheat productivity, quality and sustainable production around the world.

GCARD2. Breakout Session P2.1 Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Briefing Paper

Image - EGFAR [Document] The problems being addressed in this session are related to ensuring global food and nutrition security, as well as promoting resilience in production systems and delivering ecosystem services through agricultural biodiversity. Whole landscape management approaches embody biodiversity management,...

GCARD2. Breakout Session P2.2 Land, Water, Forests and Landscapes – Session Brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] The current and future food security of South Asian countries has twin challenges of resource fatigue and decelerating productivity growth of food grain crops. Realizing the importance of these issues not only at national level but also at regional level, the regional NARS (Bangladesh, India,...

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.3 North-South and South-South Collaborative Actions – Speaker Brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Africa-Brazil and LAC-Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplaces (~Mktplace~) have been arising as effective mechanisms for South-South Cooperation supporting smallholders. These are partnerships comprised of public and private not for profit, national and international partners who mobilize...

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.1 Public Investments – Speaker Brief - CGIAR Fund investment trends

Image - EGFAR [Document] As a key aspect of the CGIAR reform, the CGIAR’s multi-donor trust fund was formed to pool and harmonize donor funding to support research priorities. By focusing on impact and results, the Fund aims to attract larger contributions from more diverse sources and improve the quality of...

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.3 North-South and South-South Collaborative Actions – Session Brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] This session will: 1)Take stock of North – South and South – South collaboration in agricultural research for development based on recent dialogues and conferences on the topic 2) Identify the main constraints that have limited both North-South and South – South collaboration in agricultural...

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.3 North-South and South-South Collaborative Actions – Speaker Brief CAADP-CGIAR Alignment

Image - EGFAR [Document] In spite of the latent important mutual benefits flowing from their stronger coordination and alignment, CAADP and the CGIAR have remained largely disconnected. In order to overcome this shortcoming three principal actors in CAADP and the CGIAR, namely: (i) the relevant CAADP institutions (Africa...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief. The contribution of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) to global food security

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) – with over 900 partners from among international research institutes, national academia, development agencies and donors, extension services, private sector, NGOs and civil societies - develops new rice varieties with increased yield potential,...

GCARD2. Breakout session P2.2 Landscape Partnerships—Linking Research and Action on Agriculture, Land, Water, and Forests – Speaker’s Brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] The CGIAR Research Program No. 6: Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: Livelihoods, Landscapes and Governance (CRP6), brings together four of the world’s leading research centers in their respective subjects: the World Agroforestry Centre, CIFOR, CIAT and Bioversity International —...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief - MAIZE and its importance for global food security and sustainable intensification

Image - EGFAR [Document] The MAIZE Research Program (CRP) is a CGIAR global alliance bringing together CIMMYT, IITA and more than 300 institutions (NARES, advanced research institutions, NGOs, CBOs etc.). It aims at ensuring that public-funded international agricultural research helps to sustainably intensify maize-based...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish - Speaker Brief Paper

Image - EGFAR [Document] The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish and the role of development partners: The overall rationale, assumptions and approach adopted by the program will be described, and the specific role that we expect development partners to play in achieving its objectives.

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.3 North-South and South-South Collaborative Actions – Speaker Brief - CORAF/CIRAD and IRD collaborative research platforms in West and Central Africa

Image - EGFAR [Document] This presentation is under the aegis of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD). It presents the example of the concrete achievements implemented by two institutions, IRD and CIRAD, which contribute significantly to partnership research...

Agricultural Research for Development in the Asia-Pacific Region. Report on the E-Consultation.

Image - EGFAR [Document] The regional e-consultation on the global agricultural research agenda for development in the Asia-Pacific region (South, Southeast and East Asia and the Pacific) spanned from 1st to 24th September 2009. Nearly 100 different participants for a total of about 350 messages and 110,000 words had...

Summary of E-Consultation of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Region

Image - EGFAR [Document] This two and a half week facilitated e-consultation provided an opportunity for all stakeholders in the WANA region to share experiences in the region and learnt from others who are involved with agricultural research for development. The consultation referred to the issues raised by a commissioned...