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From GFAR worldwide

EGFAR has submitted its feeds to AgriFeeds and harvests from AgriFeeds:

The complete list of sources from which EGFAR aggregates contents is in the left column
If your organization has an RSS feed and you want its content to appear here, please send us the name and URL of your RSS feed and we will include it.

Source: Prolinnova updates
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Image - EGFAR

ILRI in the Humidtropics research program: Interview with Alan Duncan

Alan Duncan Humidtropics program focal point at ILRI [from ILRI Clippings]
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Image - EGFAR

Ending hunger and malnutrition in Malawi

Crop diversification, increasing the productivity and production of farmers through small-scale irrigation projects, improving local market systems...
Source: FAO newsfeed
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Merge of the AGROVOC and VocBench communities of practice

We have recently decided to merge the VocBench Community of Practice into the AGROVOC Community of Practice. This was owing to the reality that the...
Source: Agricultural Information Management Standards website newsfeed
Image - EGFAR

Merge of the AGROVOC and VocBench communities of practice

We have recently decided to merge the VocBench Community of Practice into the AGROVOC Community of Practice. This was owing to the reality that the...
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Image - EGFAR

Minutes of the Teleconference on the Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP)

The teleconference took place on the 23rd of February, 2013.   Participants   Ann Dela Apekey - FARA (teleconference), Ruth Meinzen-Dick -...
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
Image - EGFAR

Better grass for better smallholder dairying in East Africa

The Tuft of Grass Minor, watercolour by Albrecht Dürer (1471–1521) (image via Wikipaintings). [from ILRI News]
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
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Online survey for information managers

The agINFRA project invites your institute to participate in an online survey for information managers. agINFRA comprises information and technology...
Source: Agricultural Information Management Standards website newsfeed
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Online survey for information managers

The agINFRA project invites your institute to participate in an online survey for information managers. agINFRA comprises information and technology...
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
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EU and FAO underline support for nutrition and food security in Malawi

During a high level visit to Malawi, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, and José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General, will meet today...
Source: FAO newsfeed
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FAO Media Briefing on Asia-Pacific Food Price Index, Crop Prospects and Food Situation

What: Media Briefing on FAO’s latest issues of the Food Price Index as well as Crop Prospects and Food Situation focusing on the food and crop...
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds
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Green revolution in Ghana

With renewed interest in technical change and productivity growth in the African agricultural sector, interest is...
Source: New at IFPRI
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The comprehensive Africa agriculture development programme as a collective institution

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was designed to promote the transformation of...
Source: New at IFPRI
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Are African governments serious about agriculture?

The objective of this brief is to analyze available data on public agriculture expenditure in Africa—with a...
Source: New at IFPRI
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Curb your enthusiasm

The evidence of improved performance of the agricultural sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) in recent years has...
Source: New at IFPRI
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Economic transformation in Africa

This brief focuses on growth patterns, structural change and agglomeration to assess the progress of economic...
Source: New at IFPRI
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Economic transformation in Africa

One of the earliest and most central insights from the literature on economic development is that development...
Source: New at IFPRI
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Training of the communication experts of the Regional Farmer Organisations

    4-5 March 2013. CTA Brussels. CTA organised a training to establish the portal of the Pan African Farmers...
Source: PAEPARD blog
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Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Crisis and Shocks

4th March 2013. Brussels. Organized by CTA in collaboration with the ACP Secretariat, the EC/DEVCO, Concord and IFPRI in...
Source: PAEPARD blog
Image - EGFAR

PAEPARD Management Team Meeting (MTM)

26 February. CTA. Brussels. Pre-MTM meeting between FARA and Agrinatura (Work Package 7).27-28 February 2013. Brussels. Royal Museum for Central...
Source: PAEPARD blog
Image - EGFAR

A User’s Experience with Arab Spatial

Shahira Emara, GDNet Knowledge Services Manager in the Global Development Network’s Cairo office, shared her thoughts on the new Arab Spatial ...
Source: New at IFPRI
Image - EGFAR

Feeding the world: paradigm shift or incremental improvements?

Source: New Agriculturist   by Robin Bourgeois, GFAR   A critical review of The Economists' Conference "Feeding the World 2013,...
Source: ARD news from AgriFeeds