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10-11 April 2014. Montpellier, France. Organized by Agreenium at Agropolis International, 1st MEETING OF THE TAP...
Comprehension and action required for successful aflatoxin control
The FoodAfrica research for development programme aims for improved food security by providing tools and information...
CfP - MTSR 2014: 8th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference
Announcement published at Continuing the successful mission of...
Can transfer programs be made more nutrition sensitive?
Malnutrition can best be addressed by a combination of nutrition specific...
The impact of cash and food transfers
Evidence from a randomized intervention in Niger...
How does climate change alter agricultural strategies to support food security?
The negative effects of climate change are projected to affect the populations with...
Public-sector agricultural research priorities for sustainable food security
Perspectives from plausible scenarios There is...
Efficiency and productivity differential effects of land certification program in Ethiopia
Quasi-experimental evidence from Tigray Although...
Veni, Vidi, Vici -Three developer competitions by LinkedUp Challenge
The LinkedUp project started the three-ply challenge - Veni, Vidi and Vici developers competition last year, has...
Agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions on the rise
New FAO estimates of greenhouse gas data show that emissions from agriculture, forestry and fisheries have nearly...
E-Consultation on Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
The Global GODAN/CIARD Consultation on Open Agricultural Knowledge for Development will take place at FAO of the...
CTA recruits a Research Assistant
The CTA is recruiting for the Brussels Office a trainee (Junior Research Assistant). It is open to ACP and EU...
Last Briefing on Realising the Promise of Agriculture for Africa’s Transformation
The last Brussels Development Briefing on ‘Realising the Promise of Agriculture for Africa’s Transformation’, took...
Main events for the Week - 14/04/2014 - 20/04/2014
ACP Secretariat:- 17 April: Committee of AmbassadorsEuropean Parliament:- 14 April – 17 April: European Parliament...
Video Guest: Adam Gross, Investments and Capital Markets Advisor, Nepad Business Foundation
In this week's CTA Brussels video interview, Adam Gross, Investments and Capital Markets Advisor at Nepad Business...
FAO and ITTO highlight vast potential of payments for environmental services for conservation of tropical forests
Payments for environmental services (PES), especially in tropical regions, should be recognised as an important tool...
Cross-Scheme Management in VocBench 2.1
Dear vocbenchers, One of the main features of the forthcoming VB2.1 will be SKOS Cross-Scheme Management I started...
FOODSECURE newsletter March 2014
The latest newsletter of FOODSECURE, an interdisciplinary research project, of 19 partners from 13 countries led by LEI...
South Africa's 'Bioeconomy Strategy'
The Department of Science and Technology of South Africa, in consultation with other relevant stakeholders, has...
Knowledge, networks and nations: global scientific collaboration in the 21st century
This report by the Royal Society, UK, is a review, based on available data, of the changing patterns of science, and...
Higher education and globalisation: challenges, threats and opportunities for Africa
This publication, by the Maastricht University Centre for International Cooperation in Academic Development (MUNDO),...
OECD: overseas aid ‘rebounds’ to record high
Overseas development aid (ODA) jumped 6.1% last year to reach a record $134.8 (€97.8) billion, according to new figures...
Somaliland: international recognition will boost its economy
During the EU-Africa summit, the foreign minister of Somaliland writes that despite substantial help from the EU, the...