
News from the GFAR Secretariat

News in this page come from the EGFAR team and from the EGFAR registered users.
News from RSS feeds are under "From the regions" and "From GFAR worldwide".

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Second biannual ICT in Agriculture Newsletter from the World Bank

Second biannual ICT in Agriculture Newsletter from the World Bank

Attached the second newsletter on ICT in agriculture from the ICT in Agriculture Task Force, whose members are part of the Agriculture and Rural...
Young Professionals in Agriculture engage into discussions on Climate Change!

Young Professionals in Agriculture engage into discussions on Climate Change!

COP18, the 18th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was taking...
ENDURE foresight study goes global

ENDURE foresight study goes global

Source: ENDURE The work of ENDURE’s foresight study team has been presented to the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) as...
Our Future starts Today

Our Future starts Today

The deadline for the Millennium Development Goals is approaching fast. We know that while there have been many real achievements as a result of...
Linking Farmers to Market -

Linking Farmers to Market - Enhancing poverty reduction (Market Access) in Rwanda through Agroprocessing & Value Addition

Agro processing means transforming products originating from agriculture, forestry and even fisheries. It is a subset of manufacturing that...
Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day

Include Agriculture in Addressing Global Climate Change Challenges

The Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day, which took place yesterday in Doha, Qatar, forms the latest round of the important event...
Linking farmers to markets - Contracting out of Poverty: small changes can bring big results for smallholders

Linking farmers to markets - Contracting out of Poverty: small changes can bring big results for smallholders

Contract farming – a set agreement between a farmer and a buyer – is a widely used approach for agricultural processing companies and...
Online Consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security

Online Consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security

We are pleased to invite you to the online consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security - toward a post-2015 development agenda....
GCARD endorses CIARD

GCARD endorses CIARD

Source: AIMS   A session at the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2) on “Access, Sharing...
What was said about GCARD2

What was said about GCARD2

Alexander Müller (FAO): If we are talking about innovation, we have to look how we can change the situation on the ground. So looking at...
Delivering the Change Together

Delivering the Change Together - Reflections on GCARD2 - Mark Holderness, GFAR Executive Secretary

I am writing to thank you all very much for the very dynamic and rich discussions in Punta del Este and your tremendously valuable inputs to the...
Innovations in Partnership

Innovations in Partnership

Source:ICRISAT   The second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD-2) took place in beautiful Punta del...
Podcast: Stephen Hall's

Podcast: Stephen Hall's expectations of GCARD 2012

Source: WorldFish Center   Dr. Stephen Hall speaks to us from GCARD and his expectations of the conference; partnership, thinking with...
GCARD2 Smallholder inclusion

GCARD2 Smallholder inclusion

Source: Global Donor Platform Including smallholders Why is smallholders engagement lacking in ARD? For this central puzzle from the...
Official launching of GCHERA Global

Official launching of GCHERA Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Sciences

Universities of agriculture worldwide decided to set up a global association to promote their key role in the development of agriculture and life...
Two voices, one message: An interview with Mark Holderness and Frank Rijsberman

Two voices, one message: An interview with Mark Holderness and Frank Rijsberman

Source: CGIAR   Professor Monty Jones, Chair of the Global Forum on Agriculture Research (GFAR), recently spoke toVoice of...
Co-investment for building viable cooperatives in Nicaragua

Smallholder Enterprise Development - Co- investment for building viable cooperatives in Nicaragua

Cooperatives play a critical role in building value chains that links smallholders with higher-value agricultural products. They provide downstream...
Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP)

Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP)

GAP is a multi-stakeholder network of institutions and individuals promoting gender equity and women’s empowerment in the agricultural sector...
CLIC - SR: Combining Local Innovati

CLIC - SR: Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research: strengthening community resilience to change

Building on its experiences of promoting farmer-led joint innovation, the international Prolinnova network seeks to apply this approach in...
Give a Youth voice at GCARD2 through Social Media!

Give a Youth voice at GCARD2 through Social Media!

Source: YPARD   Getting Youth involved at the GCARD2! Have you ever heard about the Second Global Conference on Agricultural...
Smallholder Enterprise Development - Moving women out of poverty through the development of small fish processing enterprises in Malawi

Smallholder Enterprise Development - Moving women out of poverty through the development of small fish processing enterprises in Malawi

Malawi, located in southern Africa, is one of the countries in Africa which is highly dependent on fish as a source of animal protein. ...
Smallholder Enterprise Development - Biodiversity-based community enterprise in rural Thailand: The indigo weavers of Kut Haet

Smallholder Enterprise Development - Biodiversity-based community enterprise in rural Thailand: The indigo weavers of Kut Haet

The long dry season and rocky terrain of northeastern Thailand make farming in Sakon Nakhon quite challenging, but that certainly does not stop...
Smallholder Enterprise Development -

Smallholder Enterprise Development - A hard nut to crack: Greater adoption of new techniques for njansang production could lift earnings and bring flavour to more meals

Great cooks in Cameroon have a secret ingredient: a fine, pale-brown paste made by grinding the roasted kernels of the forest tree species...
Who is working on agricultural biodiversity?

Who is working on agricultural biodiversity?

Source: Bioversity International If you are organizing activities to promote agricultural biodiversity we would like to hear from you. You...