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Together, we are shaping the future of agriculture


The CGIAR’s Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) is an important document for all of us involved with, and committed to, sustainable agricultural development. CGIAR, in developing this framework for its next decade of research, is working through GFAR to reach out to all the Global Forum’s stakeholders, to ensure that the new SRF is robust and reflects the GCARD Road Map that we all developed together through GCARD1, back in 2010. This six-point practical plan for transforming agricultural research for development around the world requires actions from all involved in the generation, access and use of agricultural knowledge.
The first round of consultation on the SRF was a key element of the GCARD3; an inclusive, participatory process and an opportunity to shape the future of agricultural research and innovation and build new pathways to development impacts. This consultation captured the voices and opinions of a diverse group of stakeholders from public to private; representing Universities, NGOs, research bodies, government agencies, intergovernmental organisations, knowledge networks, youth organisations, and even the media. Equally gratifying was to see that 85% of those that added their contribution to the public consultation, came from outside of the CGIAR. This is a primary intent of the Global Forum; to create the open and inclusive space  for diverse capabilities, capacities, and perspectives to be heard and listened toon such critical documents as the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework.
The first consultation threw up some very interesting discussions on key aspects of the SRF. Strong views came up for the SRF to take more account of collaboration and enable real partnership, to ensure that international research responds to local and national priorities and adds value to national systems, and how essential it is to increase the capacity to innovate at all levels within national agricultural systems.
Now with this input from the first round of consultation received and analyzed by the CGIAR and presented to a group of their donors, the Independent Science and Partnership Council and the CGIAR Consortium Board, CGIAR are ready for a second round of consultation on the full SRF. Stakeholders in GFAR, from all sectors concerned with agricultural knowledge, innovation and enterprise, are again being asked openly for their views.This consultation,taking place through this month, provides us all with an opportunity to look at the draft document in its entirety and give our opinion on how well the SRF has been articulated - and if it is providing the guidance for effective agricultural research for development that CGIAR would like it to have.
As this next phase of consultation starts on the CGIAR SRF now begins, I’d like to encourage all of you to take part. This is a unique opportunity to add our views to the shape of the final SRF which is posted online. There will be three avenues for you to share your views.
  1. You can submit direct responses via email to
  2. Have your say and also comment on what others have said in the ‘public chat room’
  3. Join a webinar session where you can discuss ‘in person’ with other stakeholders and some of those involved with developing  SRF topics that have received particular discussion and revision in the SRF. During the month of February there will be webinars on the following topics:
·       the Results Framework;
·       Capacity development;
·       Partnerships for impact;
·       Youth perspective;
·       Research domains and
·       Gender in the SRF
  1. To find out more on each of these webinars and their timing, please visit the SRF Consultation – Phase 2 page
With the CGIAR Consortium Office, the GFAR Secretariat will analyze and share, openly, the results of this consultation. So, please join me by having your say and making your voice heard through any of these channels, now open to you.
Written by: Mark Holderness
Read on line here.