Video: Bringing Youth into Agricultural Policy

The average age for farmers around the world is around 58. What can be done to bring more young people into policy discussions around agriculture? Farming First TV spoke to Courtney Paisley, Director of the Young People for Agricultural Development network (YPARD) about just that.
According to Ms. Paisley, young people are not being shown the opportunities that are available in agriculture, and how it could make them money.
“Policymakers are not looking for the input of young people, which is surprising as this is a system that those young people will inherit”, she comments, adding that young people are frustrated that they cannot get involved in this process.
YPARD is a global on-line and off-line communication and discussion platform is meant to enable young professionals all over the world to realize their full potential and contribute towards innovative agricultural development.
“We need organisations to realise the value of young people and what they can contribute,” says Paisley.
Just last month, the CGIAR Research Program on Drylands issued a youth strategy for 2014-2017; the first from within the CGIAR system. YPARD hopes this will set a precedent that may stimulate serious attention to this critical stakeholder group among other CGIAR Research Programs.
Watch the full interview and more at Farming First TV.
Photo credit: Wouedijie Alice-Norra for YPARD
Source: Farming First
Posted on 05/05/2015