Two training courses on agricultural scientific data sharing and the CIARD RING organized by the CIARD RING China working group

CIARD RING China working group - training

The CIARD RING China working group organized two workshops in June and July 2012 to raise awareness on the objectives of the CIARD RING and train staff of Chinese agricultural science Institutions in the use of the RING portal. Part of the workshops was dedicated to the illustration of the registration process and all participants were encouraged to register the information services of their Institutions.

The first training course was held on 5-6 June 2012 in Beijing.
Trainees were staff of agricultural institutions from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Tianjin and Beijing. Dr Meng Xianxue, deputy director of the Agricultural Information Institute (AII) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), addressed the audience at the opening ceremony. Dr Pan Shuchun, senior officer of the CIARD RING China working group, presided the meeting. Dr Sun Wei introduced the CIARD RING structure, the functionalities of the system and the registration process. Read more on the RING website...
The second training course was held in Jilin Province on 9-10 July 2012, jointly organized by the Information Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and Agricultural Economy and Information Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
At the opening ceremony, Mr Lu Liping, director of Agricultural Economy and Information Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, addressed the audience. Zhang Xueqing, deputy director of Agricultural Economy and Information Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, presided over the meeting. Dr Pan Shuchun, Liu Jiayi on behalf of CIARD RING CN working group and Dr Zhu Liang of the national agricultural scientific data sharing center, respectively gave their presentations on the CIARD background and aims and illustrated the CIARD RING registration process.
Participants from Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces exchanged their information sharing experiences and suggestions for building the CIARD RING CN. Read more on the RING website...