Research and innovation for sustainable agriculture and food and nutrition security
1. Ensuring the success of global and regional AR4D initiatives, building on AR4D initiatives such as those led by the CGIAR, the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR), and on African research organisations supporting the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) process, both through funding and engagement with governance bodies.
2. Improving European leadership, coordination and influence, in particular complementing the Horizon 2020 programme of Directorate General Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and also with Member States and the broader donor community.
3. Exploring new strategic directions to put research into use and achieve impact, particularly on innovation and value chains, engaging with new partners as appropriate, and on building nutrition targets into AR4D programmes.
4. Ensuring that AR4D delivers impact at country and local level, implying a much greater emphasis on working with EU Delegations in country to support national agricultural research and innovation systems and to foster better linkages between national priorities and the AR4D agenda at regional and global levels.

This working document presents the DEVCO approach to AR4D in the context of current policy priorities in sustainable agriculture, nutrition and resilience and how it is positioned within the European and global agenda to achieve maximum impact.
It is focused around four main pillars:
1. Ensuring the success of global and regional AR4D initiatives, building on AR4D initiatives such as those led by the CGIAR, the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR), and on African research organisations supporting the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) process, both through funding and engagement with governance bodies.
2. Improving European leadership, coordination and influence, in particular complementing the Horizon 2020 programme of Directorate General Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and also with Member States and the broader donor community.
3. Exploring new strategic directions to put research into use and achieve impact, particularly on innovation and value chains, engaging with new partners as appropriate, and on building nutrition targets into AR4D programmes.
4. Ensuring that AR4D delivers impact at country and local level, implying a much greater emphasis on working with EU Delegations in country to support national agricultural research and innovation systems and to foster better linkages between national priorities and the AR4D agenda at regional and global levels.
Posted on 13/11/2014