National Agriculture Data/Information Sharing System Development Workshop in Hangzhou, China

China RING
In order to promote agricultural scientific research data and information sharing, accelerate the development of China's agricultural information sharing system, establish effective cooperation mechanisms, strengthen the building of a national agricultural scientific research information knowledge base, improve open access to more information and results of agricultural scientific research serving the users of the agricultural community, the CIARD RING China working group and the Chinese Agricultural Library Society organized ‘the National Agriculture Data/Information Sharing System Development Workshop’ from May 8-10 2012 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Participants from the Agricultural Information Institute (AII) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the Information Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, and some other agricultural information institutions and university libraries attended the workshop.

At the opening ceremony, Dr. Meng Xianxue, deputy director of AII, CAAS, Meng Zhiqi, vice president of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences delivered their speeches. Dr.Ajit Maru, Senior staff from GFAR, FAO and Prof.Mei Fangquan, former director of AII, CAAS respectively gave presentations at the meeting.

Discussions have been conducted on many aspects around CIARD including its concept, activities, development, technology and content management as well as capacity buildings. 

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