INBAR and partners launch three publications at COP 19

INBAR and partners launched three publications at COP 19, on the role of bamboo, NTFPs and landscapes, in adapting to and mitigating the effects of Climate Change.
INBAR collaborated with the China Green Carbon Foundation on Thursday, Nov. 14, for a workshop on property rights and standardization of forestry carbon sinks. The event was held in the China Pavilion. At the event a publication of the Methodology for Carbon Accounting and Monitoring of Bamboo Afforestation Projects in China was launched, containing both the official Chinese text and an English translation.
This methodology was originally developed with China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF), Zhejiang A&F University (ZAFU), the Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry of the Chinese Academy of Forestry) (RISF-CAF) and INBAR and ZAFU’s Center for China-Africa Agriculture and Forestry Research Center (CAFOR), It has been officially accepted for use, by the Chinese State Forestry Administration (SFA), in November 2012 and very recently by China’s National Development and Reform Council (NDRC).