GFAR welcomes new member to the Secretariat team

GFAR welcomes new member to the Secretariat team
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research is delighted to welcome a new member to the Secretariat team. Fiona Chandler is taking on board the function of Programme Delivery Manager with the role of supporting the delivery and communication of the Forum’s activities as outlined in their Medium Term Plan. A key element of this is the soon-to-be launched process for the GCARD3, for which Fiona will be a key focal point from the Global Forum. Another aspect of her role with GFAR will be in strategic communications.
Fiona is no stranger to the GFAR constituencies, having been involved with the CGIAR (Centers and Consortium) for many years as well as with the AIRCA group of partners. She has lived and worked in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, as well as holding posts in Canada, Australia and Italy - all connected with the management of agricultural research and natural resources.
As Mark Holderness, Executive Secretary to GFAR noted “Fiona’s previous roles and her long experience in partnerships, stakeholder relations, organizational management, communication and monitoring and evaluation will be a valuable addition to the Global Forum.  Fiona will play a key role in the Secretariat team. We recognize that the skills she brings to the Global Forum will enable us to increase our ability to communicate effectively among the stakeholders and partners that come together in GFAR, across the agricultural research, innovation and development sectors”.
“The prospect to work with the Global Forum and its partners is a fantastic opportunity that I’m looking forward to take on”, Fiona says. “It is a pleasure to work directly with the team at the GFAR Secretariat and the Forum’s many partners in delivering the message about GFAR and especially as we start to engage on the GCARD3 process” she added. 
Fiona is keen to catch up with previous and new acquaintances and hear from GFAR stakeholders on how the communication of GFAR programs could be improved. Please feel free to contact her at .