Family Farming and Farmers' Rights

The United Nations declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming to recognize the importance of family farmers in the reduction of poverty and the improvement of global food security.
The international community has already recognized the central role family and smallholder farmers play to reduce rural poverty, eradicate hunger and enhance global food security. In 1989 the international community decided in common on the importance of the contributions of smallholder farmers and local communities to the conservation, improvement and availability of plant genetic resources, particularly in centers of origin. Past, present and future contributions of farmers are key for global food security, crop genetic improvement and the adaptation of agriculture to unpredictable environmental changes and future human needs. The recognition of this role is the basis of Farmers’ Rights.
Family Farming and Farmers’ Rights are closely related. This document explains this relationship and the reasons why the recognition and implementation of Farmers’ Rights is a sine qua non condition for the sustainability of family farming and the fulfillment of its ultimate objectives: reduction of poverty, the improvement of food security and guarantee of the future viability of food supply.
Photo credit: ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
Posted on 13/10/2014