Facilitating Access to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

From 23-26 June, 2015 at a workshop organized by Bioversity International GFAR joined a group of experts discussing draft guidelines to support facilitated access of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. While the aim of the guidelines is to provide practical tools for decision makers to implement the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, some issues were also raised relevant to Farmers' Rights.
Critical issues were identified such as the need of smallholder farmers to have access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture; the need to promote and allow customary use of plant genetic resources and ensure smallholders' right to save, use, exchange and sell farm-save seeds and propagating material. More analysis needs to be done regarding how smallholder farmers will benefit from the Multilateral System and identify their role (if any) in the system as such.
Picture credit: Bioversity Intenational, 2015
Posted on 01/07/2015