Extension Approaches-Combining SMS messages to enhance services of famers unions to its members

Combining SMS messages to enhance services of famers unions to its members
Written by: : S. Kachelriess-Matthess, P. Keller, C.N. Orleans, B. Agbo, Y.A. Baro, S. Frankel, J. Shantz
The African Cashew Initiative supports various farmer groups and union in their effort to become more and more professional and offer value services for their members. Producer organisations in the African context are often week when it comes to service delivery to their members limiting the attractiveness for producer to adhere. The limited interest in joining the farmer associations/famer based organisation in its turn reduces the capacity of the organisation to deliver quality services to its members, perpetuating the situation.

Within the framework of the African Cashew Initiative 27,000 cashew farmers in Ghana received training on good agricultural practices. The Wenchi farmer Union regroups several famer cooperatives associated with cashew production and marketing. To improve transparency in marketing transaction an ICT system for price and weighing information has been introduced in 2010 and successfully implemented amongst in five districts of Ghana in the Brong Ahafo region and expanded to  al buying district in 2011/12 season. This system is active during the marketing season (March to May) and is now used by approx.  700 farmers who registered with the union for price and loading information. During the rest of the year the system is not used.

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