Climate Change - Enhancing climate resilience of aquatic-agriculture systems in Bangladesh

Climate Change -
Written by: Manjurul Karim and Michael Phillips-WorldFish Center
Moshni is typical of many small villages in the vast coastal delta region of Bangladesh where the Bhramaputra and Meghna rivers meet the Bay of Bengal. Its inhabitants depend largely on agriculture and aquaculture for food, nutrition and income. Rice, fish, shrimp and prawns are commonly grown in low-lying areas, with vegetables and livestock are raised on higher ground. In common with many other villages in the region the people of Moshni, and the aquatic-agricultural systems their livelihoods depend on, are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Climate change increases existing stresses
Bangladesh is a country that will be severely affected by climate change, and many of the expected impacts will reinforce existing environmental, socioeconomic and demographic stresses. Increased frequency and extent of flooding associated with sea-level rise, greater monsoon precipitation, increased vulnerability to cyclone and storm surges, increased drought, greater salinity intrusion into major agricultural areas, and wider temperature extremes are all predicted. These challenges are already being faced to varying degrees by people across Bangladesh, but particularly those living in the highly vulnerable coastal region....Read more
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