Call for tenders: experienced researcher to work on a research report for GODAN

The Open Data Institute (ODI) is calling for tenders for an experienced researcher to work on a research report on the potential impacts of open data on global agriculture and nutrition.
The objective of this work is to contribute targeted research and discrete written content to inform a high-level White Paper Report on the opportunities and application of open data in the global agriculture and nutrition sector.
The researcher will support a team at the Open Data Institute (ODI) who will provide guidance and overall editorial oversight. The ODI is leading this research initiative as part of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (GODAN).
The purpose of the report is to consolidate the growing evidence base on the potential and impact of open data in agriculture – especially to address development and sustainability issues. The report will also provide a key advocacy and communication resource for GODAN, as we seek to shape global policy and debate.
Aim: Contribute research support to a high level White Paper report which will outline the potential for open data to be applied in the agriculture and nutrition sector, and compile any existing examples or case studies.
Audience: Government officials who are interested in using open data in agriculture and nutrition. Leaders in businesses, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and development organisations who work in the agriculture and nutrition field considering using open data. Open data leaders who may not be familiar with the agriculture and nutrition sector.
Duration: Approx. 20 days between 13th April and 15th May
Costed proposals due by: 09.00 GMT, 7 April 2015
Tender decision by: 17.00 GMT, 9 April 2015
Final work delivered by: 15 May 2015
Contact: Fiona Smith
Posted on 02/04/2015