Call for papers: Effective forest and farm producer organisations

Call for papers ETFRN News 57: Effective forest and farm producer organisations
The forthcoming ETFRN News will interest all those engaged in managing or supporting forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs), by showcasing examples of how they become stronger and more effective, and initiatives, policies and strategies that support them to do so.

Bringing together the diverse experiences of different producer organisations will allow us to identify common challenges and reasons for success. What were the problems faced and how were they overcome? What have FFPOs done themselves, and what other measures helped? We are seeking articles that describe and analyse the most burning priorities that FFPOs face, or those that address crucial issues and policies. FFPOs are encouraged to submit, and editorial support will be provided.
This edition is being produced in response to recommendations from an international conference of forest producer organisations held in China in November 2013. It also forms part of a broader initiative coordinated by the Forest and Farm Facility that aims to put people and their organisations at the heart of the World Forest Congress in South Africa, 7-11 September 2015.

If you are interested in contributing, send a short outline of an idea for an article (250 words), to the editors Nick Pasiecznik ( and Herman Savenije ( before 15 February 2015. Around 25 will be selected by 1 March, and full papers (around 2500 words) are to be requested by 15 April. ETFRN News 57 will be published in August.

For more information download here the complete announcement


What makes forest and farm producer organisations more effective, what hurdles have they overcome, and what is still holding them back?
These are the key questions to be answered by this edition of ETFRN News. And these will not be tackled by general descriptions of what an FFPO does, but by delving deeper into the problems, solutions, challenges and reasons for successes. Also, answering one question is likely to throw up others. For example, how do FFPOs gain access to land or resources to increase production, prevent overproduction that depresses prices and avoid overexploitation? How do they obtain higher prices, ward off competitors or middlemen, and ensure high product quality? How do they deal with government officials, international customers, market monopolies and corruption? How do they ensure transparency and accountability, and deal with internal leadership and power? How do other actors look upon and interact with FFPOs, what are their visions and perspectives, and do they really represent the interests of smallholders? What would really make a difference to improving the day-to-day effectiveness of FFPOs? Especially important are stories of any unexpected benefits and pitfalls resulting from a decision, action or inaction.
