An Agenda for Action for Protracted Crises

Side Event at the 6th Africa Agriculture Science Week
15 July 2013
15 July 2013
Subtheme: Rebuilding AR4D capacities to achieved sustainable food security
Objectives of the Side Event
- Awareness raising of the consultative process around the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Agenda for Action for Addressing Food Insecurity in Protracted Crises initiative, helping to promote engagement from all stakeholders over the coming year;
- Identification of areas of commonality between the multistakeholder Kigali Movement Capacity Development Support Plan and the elaboration of the CFS Agenda for Action;
- Outline of possible follow-up processes by FARA, GFAR and CFS Secretariats as well as other partners.
Recommendations that address the Objectives
- Advocate adoption and implementation of a CFS Agenda for Action for post-conflict and protracted crisis situations to be submitted for endorsement in October 2014, which reflects the importance of the long term reconstruction of local, rural institutions and rebuilding of agriculture for food security in order to achieve sustainable solutions.
- Establish a joint consultative platform for Africa, Asia and the Near East to share lessons learned and good practices, building on examples of recovery from protracted crises.
- Develop strategies at the regional level to address post-conflict and protracted crisis situations through pooling and capitalising upon regional knowledge, experiences, lessons learned and capacities aligned with CAADP and AU initiatives.
- Focus on linking short and long-term assistance to revitalise local institutions for sustainable, resilient livelihood solutions, addressing food insecurity and supporting societal regeneration through transfer of knowledge, innovation and new technology.
Plan of Action to address the recommendations for the next three years (2014-2016)
- FARA, AARINENA, ICARDA, GFAR and other partners collaborate to establish the regional platform on rebuilding AR4D post crisis capacity, including a Kigali Movement meeting in the Near East region.
- Kigali Movement members collaborate on documentation of lessons learned and best practices to identify elements of success including institutional arrangements to inform policy and decision makers.
- CFS Agenda for Action and Kigali Movement partners contribute to CAADP and other continental and regional processes to address the policy imperatives for longer term investments and local institutionally based solutions in protracted crisis situations.
- Pilot activities in capacity building and other activities initiated in at least two situations emerging from a protracted crisis.
Posted on 12/08/2013