Active Youths’ take home messages - how to involve our peers in landscapes approaches

Active Youths’ take home messages - how to involve our peers in landscapes approaches
“We now have the largest youth generation in human history.  What do we do with this restless generation?  Far too often activities are taking place without the input from young people.”  Thembi (Sithembile Ndema) started, as the hard talk moderator at the Youth session of the Global Landscapes Forum, 16th November, Warsaw, Poland.
10 young speakers were selected among 150 applications to take part in this youth session. The discussions were built around four key themes related to youth-in-landscapes’ empowerment:
  1. Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  2. Overcoming negative perceptions of agriculture/ the landscapes sector
  3. Capacity development
  4. The power of groups
Each speaker, based on their story and experience, delivered take home messages, as recommendations and call for action by their peers and their supporters.
Read the full Blog post here.
Photo credit: Neil Palmer/IWMI