3rd Foresight Exchange Workshop of the Forward Thinking Platform

The 3rd Foresight Exchange Workshop (FEW3) took place in Montpellier from June 3 to 5, 2014. It gave the members of the Forward Thinking Platform, facilitated by GFAR, a chance to meet personally, exchange and work on collective products.
This workshop followed the International Encounters on “Family Farming and Research” organized in Montpellier, June 1 to 3 by Agropolis International, GFAR, WRF, CGIAR with the support of the French Government. This made possible the participation of farmer organizations in the FEW3, as many of them were invited to attend the Encounters. The FEW3 had four objectives:
- discuss with farmer organizations how the Platform can facilitate the farmer‐led, farmer‐managed grassroots foresight initiatives which emerged from the 2nd Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2).
- discuss the future of the Platform and reflect on future activities.
- finalize the glossary of terms commonly used in Futures Studies.
- discuss a report on the future of development assistance.
A very challenging program! The report can be downloaded here.
Posted on 23/07/2014