Items in the category "monitoring"

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.1 Public Investments – Speaker’s Brief. Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)

Image - EGFAR [Document] ASTI collects primary data for low- and middle-income countries through national institutional surveys and in recent years has collected detailed quantitative data on a large number of South Asian and sub-Saharan African countries. In efforts to fill some of the geographical gaps for other...

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.1 Public Investments. Speaker Brief. OECD/DAC Mutual Review on Development Effectiveness, and Creditor Reporting System

Image - EGFAR [Document] Methodologies for mutual accountability and Mutual Reviews of Development Effectiveness in Africa (MRDE) developed by the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the OECD, in consultation with African partners, international research and civil society institutions, have been tested and developed over...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.2 Household Nutrition Security: Briefing Paper

Image - EGFAR [Document] While the research agenda is growing, there remains limited concrete evidence on how agriculture–nutrition linkages work. A mapping exercise has been completed by DFID/LCIRAH outlining the research gaps. However more nutrition-relevant data from agricultural interventions needs to be generated,...

GCARD2. Breakout Session C1.1. Public Investments - Session Brief

Image - EGFAR [Document] Compiling accurate, up-to-date information on AR4D investments and their impacts is extremely challenging, time consuming and is contingent on available human and financial resources. The ASTI initiative is geared not only to assess investments but also to address how to identify indicators for...

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: ICM4ARD

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee ICM4ARD progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP)

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee NTFP progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Reports: L Inking Farmers To Markets (LFM)

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee LFM progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: DURAS

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee DURAS progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: AARINENA

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee AARINENA progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: APAARI

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee APAARI progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FARA

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee FARA progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FORAGRO

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee FORAGRO progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FAO

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee FAO progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: EFARD

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee EFARD progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: PROLINNOVA

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee PROLINNOVA progree report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: Global Facilitation Unit On Under Utilized Species

Image - EGFAR [Document] 3rd Programme Committee GFU US progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

GFAR Secretariat's Report on Activities in 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] GFAR Secretariat's Report on Activities in 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Steering Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

"Linking Farmers to Markets" from Washington to Bejing. Progress Report, Beijing, China, 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] Linking Farmers to Markets GPP progress report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

DURAS Competitive Grants Scheme: Supporting multi-stakeholder research partnerships in ARD.

Image - EGFAR [Document] DURAS Report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

Global NTFP Partnership ¿ Activities 2007 and Plans 2008. GFAR Programme Committee Meeting, Beijing, November 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] NTFP GPP progress report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

YPARD Young Professionals¿ Platform for Agricultural Research for Development

Image - EGFAR [Document] YPARD Report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

Integrating Participatory Innovation Development (PID) into research, extension and education. Summary progress report to the GFAR Project Committee Meeting 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] PROLINNOVA progress report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species. Progress Report 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species. Progress Report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

The ICM4ARD GPP. Progress report from 2004-2007. Report for GFAR Statutory Meetings ¿ Beijing, China

Image - EGFAR [Document] ICM4ARD GPP Progress Report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.