Items in the category "Marketing channels"
[Document] Many are now urging greater attention to farm-to-fork value chains and how smallholder benefits generated bythose chains can be increased. This change in perspective has far-reaching consequences both for R4D priorities and for partnerships. In this Briefing Paper we utilize ICRISAT’s...
[Document] The objective is to identify specific interventions that can improve RPOs’ capacities. While recognizing other determinants of success our innovation will be to examine ways to affect RPOs’ performance on input and output markets, through enhanced commitment of members. Broadly...
[Document] New organizational arrangements which place the user of research central in the definition of research priorities and in uptake processes are required. This includes a central role for organizations which represent the interests of the smallholders in particular farmer organizations but also for...
[Document] While the research agenda is growing, there remains limited concrete evidence on how agriculture–nutrition linkages work. A mapping exercise has been completed by DFID/LCIRAH outlining the research gaps. However more nutrition-relevant data from agricultural interventions needs to be generated,...
[Document] 3rd Programme Committee LFM progress report. Background document for the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.
[Document] Linking Farmers to Markets GPP progress report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.
[Document] Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species. Progress Report 2007. PowerPoint presentation at the Programme Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.
[Document] GFAR poster created for the GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference. Theme: Partnerships
[Document] Market orientation in the sub-sectors of date palms, olives, cotton and medicinal plants in the AARINENA region
[Document] The objective of the Global Facilitating Mechanism is to support and facilitate the work of networks and other stakeholders on UOC in cooperation with international organizations such as FAO, ICUC, IPGRI
[Document] Identification and commercialisation of underutilised plant species of national, regional and international importance within an International coordinated collaborative programme on Underutilised Crops
[Document] Phase 1- Developing a global perspective of the post-harvest sector, through the planning and implementation of five coordinated technical regional workshops. ¿ Phase 2- Conducting a five-day International Technical Consultation on Post-Harvest, with the objective of launching a Global Initiative...
[Document] The main objective of this thematic study is to present an overview of the achieved IFAD experience in financing projects and programmes for the Rural Development and Market Mechanisms for the Rural Poor. The specific objectives are to highlight: (i) IFAD strategy for increasing access to financial...
[Document] The Programma sull¿Innovazione e lo Sviluppo Agroindustriale (PISA) is an international program whose general objective is to support innovative projects of agroindustrial development aimed at generating value-added and employment in the rural sector of developing countries. This program builds on...
[Document] Goal: To contribute to the equitable and sustainable integration of small and medium-scale agroenterprises in rural and peri-urban areas into value-adding supply chains serving growth markets Support to Small and Medium Agro-enterprises (SMaEs) in developing countries to develop appropriate Food...
[Document] Purpose (this theme area): To integrate small holder farmers and rural agroenterprises, in an equitable and sustainable manner, into value-adding supply chains serving growth markets. Objective 1: to identify and evaluate options for organizational structures and relationships between actors, that...
[Document] Projects within this theme will define and overcome constraints to the dissemination and profitable use of postharvest technologies for agri-produce. The projects will also promote wider use of technology exchange initiatives that involve research and industry personnel and private sector partners...
[Document] Adaptation and institutionalising the use of appropriate marketing methodologies and agri-business decision making tools to support a more responsive approach and access to agricultural market opportunities.
[Document] The global postharvest research challenge agenda being developed by PhAction comprises four major themes, which address issues in response to the rapidly changing global market and the opportunities that will accrue from greater emphasis on market-led research with an focus on supply chain...
[Document] The Strategic Framework provides an innovative market-orientated approach to post-harvest development. Its objectives are to promote sustainable growth, poverty alleviation and food security in developing countries. Developed in 2003 by FAO, GFAR and PhAction, the Framework was endorsed by a...
[Document] This report presents the results of a workshop organized by IICA-PRODAR in the framework of the Global Initiative on Post-Harvest (GIPh), sponsored by FAO and implemented in cooperation with the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). The Workshop was conducted in Quito, Ecuador during the...
[Document] Strengthening national and regional programmes to enhance sustainable development through collaborative research on underutilized crops . The priority research areas include : a) genetic studies and initial selection and breeding programme to supply planting materials b) agronomic technology...