Source: SciDev.Net The process of providing scientific advice on development policy should involve a wide range of experts, including social scientists and those with local and traditional knowledge, a symposium at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, was told last...
Agro processing means transforming products originating from agriculture, forestry and even fisheries. It is a subset of manufacturing that processes raw materials and intermediate products derived from the agricultural sector. A very large part of agricultural production undergoes some degree of...
Contract farming – a set agreement between a farmer and a buyer – is a widely used approach for agricultural processing companies and wholesale buyers to efficiently source their produce, and for farmers to enter domestic and international markets. The farmer agrees to provide a set...
Source: Global Donor Platform Including smallholders Why is smallholders engagement lacking in ARD? For this central puzzle from the GCARD2 foresight paper "The voice of smallholders in shaping priorities", three possible explanations have been pointed out by...
Many are now urging greater attention to farm-to-fork value chains and how smallholder benefits generated bythose chains can be increased. This change in perspective has far-reaching consequences both for R4D priorities and for partnerships. In this Briefing Paper we utilize ICRISAT’s...
The farmers, fishers and herders who live on less than US$1.25 per day live complex, highly adaptive lives where individual technical solutions in and of themselves have limited impact. Recognizing this complexity and the importance of working with stakeholders to understand and design solutions...
The objective is to identify specific interventions that can improve RPOs’ capacities. While recognizing other determinants of success our innovation will be to examine ways to affect RPOs’ performance on input and output markets, through enhanced commitment of members. Broadly...
There is a need for strong farmer organizations that can present and represent the interests of smallholders versus more powerful economic groupings in society. However, farmers’ organizations often lack access to the information and evidence needed to develop pro-active proposals to...
New organizational arrangements which place the user of research central in the definition of research priorities and in uptake processes are required. This includes a central role for organizations which represent the interests of the smallholders in particular farmer organizations but also for...
The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is an initiative that works across African countries to improve the productivity and sustainable production of smallholder farmers, the majority of who are women. AGRA strives to effect change across the entire agriculture value chain through...
HKI’s food-based models integrate nutrition, agriculture and health sectors at the community and household levels. Working with local NGOs and local government partners, we establish community-based extension services (demonstration farms and farmers) to reach underserved poor and extreme-poor...
The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish and the role of development partners: The overall rationale, assumptions and approach adopted by the program will be described, and the specific role that we expect development partners to play in achieving its objectives.
The MAIZE Research Program (CRP) is a CGIAR global alliance bringing together CIMMYT, IITA and more than 300 institutions (NARES, advanced research institutions, NGOs, CBOs etc.). It aims at ensuring that public-funded international agricultural research helps to sustainably intensify maize-based...
Malawi, located in southern Africa, is one of the countries in Africa which is highly dependent on fish as a source of animal protein. Malawi produces about 70,000 tons of fish annually from its lakes, rivers and swamps. The fishing industry supports the livelihoods of 1.5million people...
The long dry season and rocky terrain of northeastern Thailand make farming in Sakon Nakhon quite challenging, but that certainly does not stop the enterprising farmers of this province. Though rice is the primary crop in the region, its production is restricted to the rainy season from May to...
Great cooks in Cameroon have a secret ingredient: a fine, pale-brown paste made by grinding the roasted kernels of the forest tree species Ricinodendrom heudelotti. A small amount of the paste, known locally as njansang, livens up the flavor of food and thicken soups, making it a precious...
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Food and Agriculture for Development (APPG) now invites written submissions to its latest Investigation into the Integration of Smallholder Farmers into Supply Chains. Following on from the January 2012 publication of the APPG’s second...