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Workshop on High Value Products

Can high value agricultural products benefit the rural poor?
A multi-stakeholder workshop examines the opportunities.

A group of about 40 experts in all aspects of high-value agricultural products (HVAP) - from production to processing and marketing - met at the headquarters of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in early October to help those involved in agricultural research for development address the question of how the poor, especially neglected groups such as rural women and ethnic minorities, can benefit from growing markets for these products. Convened by the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the CGIAR Science Council, the workshop was organized by their secretariats in collaboration with CIAT, the World Vegetable Center (AVRDC), International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), and the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP).
The meeting was an important first joint initiative following the Science Council's recent decision to establish "reducing poverty through agricultural diversification and emerging opportunities for high-value commodities or products" as one of five priorities for the research of the international centers during the period 2005-2015. With this aim in view, workshop participants moved toward a shared understanding of what HVAPs are, reviewed strategies used in different regions for linking smallholders to HVAP markets, identified high-priority issues for a shared research agenda, and began creating informal networks and alliances for addressing key themes.

For more information:

Synthesis Report
Global Issues Paper

The four Regional Papers:
Latin America and the Caribbean
Sub-saharan Africa
West Asia and North Africa
Asia and the Pacific Islands

Workshop documentation

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