12 projects to receive DURAS funding
Twelve (12) projects were selected for funding under the DURAS Competitive Grants.
These were selected from the 24 full proposals reviewed by the DURAS Selection and Scientific Partnership Committee (CSPS) and the DURAS Steering Committee last 15-16 June 2005 in Grande Motte, France.
Of the 12 projects, two (2) will address the theme agro-biodiversity and genetic resources management for food security; four (4) will tackle local knowledge in natural resources management; three (3) will deal with agro-ecology and other sustainable farming practices; and another three (3) will address how to link farmers to market by supporting support to small and medium agro- enterprises (agri SMEs). Project implementation is expected to commence in September 2005. The award size varies from Euro 90,000 to Euro 150,000 over a period of two-years.
12 Projects selected for funding under the DURAS Project Competitive Grants
- Caractérisation morphologique, zootechnique et génétique des populations locales de volailles de genre Gallus gallus dans les pays cotiers de l'Afrique occidentale (Université d'Abomey-Calavi - Bénin)
- Un réseau régional de plateformes d'échanges pour améliorer l'identification des besoins des agriculteurs et la diffusion de nouvelles variétés de bananier plantain (CARBAP-Cameroon)
- Farmer Access to Innovation Resources. Action Research on Innovation Support Fund (Farmer Support Group-S.Africa)
- Innovations et savoirs paysans dans les pratiques de gestion des écosystèmes forestiers humides d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : diversification des systèmes d'exploitation associant cultures pérennes et vivriè:res (IRAD-Cameroun)
- The implication of the local knowledge in the increasing integration of animal husbandry in the farming systems of disadvantaged communities (National Institute of Soil and Fertilizer- Vietnam)
- Valoriser les savoirs paysans sur l'intégration agriculture élevage pour une gestion durable des écosystè:mes des savanes subhumides de l'Afrique (CIRDES-Burkina Faso)
- Approche intégrative de la gestion des nematodes phytoparasites en systèmes maraîchers mediterraaneens et sahéliens (Société MARISSA Groupe AZURA - Maroc)
- Appropriation par les Organisations de Producteurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest de la technologie d'inoculation avec des microorganismes améliorant la production végétale (CLCOP de Keur Momar Sarr- Cambodia)
- Linking farmers to markets through valorisation of local resources: the case for intellectual property rights of indigenous resources (University of Pretoria - S. Africa)
- Improving the pig and pig meat marketing chain to enable small producers to serve consumer needs in Vietnam and Cambodia (Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute)
- Poverty and Pace Setters (POPS). From sector support for farm products marketing to targeting entrepreneurs by building networks among poverty struck (Centre for Rural Economic Development Research-Vietnam)
- Production de malts de sorgho ou de mil de qualité pour la production alimentaire artisanale ou semi-industrielle en Afrique de l'Ouest (CERNA-Burkina Faso)
The projects were selected on the basis of the following criteria: (a) over-all project design and feasibility; (b) appropriateness and innovativeness; (c) socio-economic consideration; (d) environmental and sustainability considerations; and (e) partnership quality.
DURAS is a GFAR-Agropolis project supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Priority Solidarity Fund (PSF). It aims to contribute to strengthening the involvement and enhancing the scientific potential of southern stakeholders in agricultural research for sustainable development (ARSD). This three-year project covers 49 countries from Africa, Near East and some parts of Asia that are listed in France’s Priority Solidarity Zone (PSZ).
Two Calls for Proposal were made under the DURAS Project. The first Call was launched in July 2004 while the second call was made in February 2005. A total of 129 pre-proposals were submitted for the 1st Call while 173 were submitted for the 2nd Call. These pre-proposals were reviewed by the DURAS Selection and Scientific Partnership Committee (CSPS) in December 2004 and March 2005, respectively.
A workshop that will bring together all the coordinators of the 12 selected projects will be held in October 2005 in Montpellier, France. This activity aims to facilitate interaction among all the project coordinators, to come up with and agree on a common project monitoring, reporting and evaluation (MRE) system; and to agree on a minimum set of progress and success indicators.
Coordinator, Project DURAS
Agropolis International, Avenue Agropolis, F-34394 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 04 37 47; Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 04 75 99
website: www.duras-project.net
