GFAR Secretariat Programme of Work and Budget 2005
The Programme of Work and Budget for 2005 was based on the GFAR Business Plan (BP) 2004-2006 in order to ensure that many of the objectives and activities described under the various pillars are addressed and carried out in a realistic, focussed and integrative manner so that the expected outputs are effectively and efficiently achieved. The choice of activities that will be carried out in 2005 was therefore guided by the following factors: business plan based priorities identified by stakeholders, an expressed willingness to provide leadership for implementation of the prioritised activities, secretariat staff strength and available resources.
Selected priority activities are described below within each of the four pillars. Cross-cutting issues - which are active and sustained involvement of CSOs and the private sector - have been embedded within appropriate pillars in order to be faithful to their cross-cutting nature.
1. Support to Regional Fora to promote inclusiveness and foster inter-regional collaboration (IRC)
Three objectives are addressed under this pillar of the business plan:
- to promote inclusiveness and participatory decision making within Regional Fora (RF);
- to draw attention to and address neglected Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) issues of regional importance; and
- to promote inter-regional collaboration through networking, exchange of expertise, knowledge and information.
Outputs and related activities for 2005
- Improved stakeholder representation within RF/SRF
- Regional priorities revisited/updated in some RF
- A regular exchange of experiences, information, and knowledge among RF facilitated
[More details in the full PDF document: download it at the bottom of this page]
2. Collaborative Research Partnerships (CRP)
The main objective to be tackled under this pillar is to promote, facilitate the development, and monitor the implementation of research partnerships on key agricultural research for development issues of regional or global importance.
Outputs and related activities for 2005
- GPP experiences and lessons learned shared
- Development of Pipeline GPPs facilitated
- Phase 2 of on-going GPPs facilitated
- New GPP ideas have been generated
- GPP guidelines developed and GPP evaluation initiated
- South-North collaborative partnerships fostered
[More details in the full PDF document: download it at the bottom of this page]
3. Advocacy, Public Awareness and Strategic Thinking
Three objectives were recommended to be tackled under this pillar in the business plan:
- to raise the profile of agriculture and agricultural research for sustainable development (ARSD) by adding GFAR’s voice and perspectives to global debates and initiatives on policy and institutional issues;
- to promote holistic and integrative approaches to ARSD within the context of rural development with emphasis on small and medium enterprises using an agribusiness approach;
- to identify and draw attention to critical emerging issues that shape and affect ARSD and which are of concern to GFAR stakeholders.
Outputs and related activities for 2005
- Functional and collaborative linkages established between GFAR and other initiatives
- Demand-driven integrated research for the benefit of small scale producers carried out
- Informed, updated stakeholders able to take appropriate decisions and policy actions
[More details in the full PDF document: download it at the bottom of this page]
4. Management Information Systems (MIS)
Outputs and related activities for 2005
- A functional user-friendly and versatile EGFAR containing updated knowledge and information generated, owned and used by GFAR stakeholders developed
- Regional and Inter-regional MIS established through further strengthening of RAIS
- Enhanced Access to GFAR-generated information and an expanded reach of GFAR
[More details in the full PDF document: download it at the bottom of this page]
5. GFAR management-related activities
- GFAR Statutory meetings
- GFAR 2006 Conference
- GFAR Secretariat staffing
- Charter Review
- GFAR Evaluation
- Resource mobilization
[More details in the full PDF document: download it at the bottom of this page]
Download the full PDF document of the GFAR Programme of Work and Budget 2005 
