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Rothamsted International African Fellows Programme: 2nd Call for Pre-Proposals

Rothamsted International is pleased to announce the second Call for Pre-Proposals for the Rothamsted International African Fellows Programme. This Programme was started in 2004, and is designed to build science capacity in Africa through partnerships with European Institutions. It will give African agricultural researchers the chance to spend 4-12 months at a mutually agreed European centre of their choice in order to access European expertise.

For this round, pre-proposals should be submitted by 4th April 2005. Successful candidates will be invited to submit a full proposal by the end of May 2005. A further call for pre-proposals is expected to be made in October 2005.

Further information, guidelines and a Pre-proposal application form can be accessed from the Rothamsted International website at the following address:

Dr. Paresh Shah
Rothamsted International
Harpenden, AL5 2JQ, UK
Tel. (0) 1582 763133 Extn. 2810

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