Aggregator sources
- AARINENA news feed
- Agricultural Information Management Standards website newsfeed
- APAARI news feed
- ARD news from AgriFeeds
- CGIAR ICT-KM prgram newsfeed
- DFID newsfeed
- EFARD news feed
- FAO newsfeed
- FARA secretariar blog feed
- Future Agricultures Consortium
- Global Crop Diversity Trust newsfeed
- IAALD newsfeed
- Natural Resources Institute - University of Greenwich
- New Agriculturist newsfeed
- New at IFPRI
- News from the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers
- PAEPARD blog
- Prolinnova updates
- RING organizations feed
- RING updates
- The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)
- USDA newsfeed
AR4D News Aggregator
EGFAR has submitted its feeds to AgriFeeds and harvests from AgriFeeds:
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Green gains?
While gains in agricultural productivity and poverty reduction achieved during the Green Revolution have been widely...
Data Revolution in Africa
27 March 2015. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A two-day High Level Conference for policy-makers and community leaders on...
Chinese Agricultural Engagement in Africa: Policy Briefs
30 March 2015. The SAIS China-Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University, has now published the latest (and...
The Agricultural Research Response to the Sustainable Development Goals
Published on 2 Apr 2015 Farming First TV spoke to CEO of CGIAR, the world largest agricultural research partnership, on...
Smallholder Agribusiness Development
24th March 2015. Sourcing from smallholders: Models for poor rural communities to engage effectively,...
Agriculture and Agrometeorological Services
Increasing Agricultural Production and Resilience Through improved Agrometeorological Services. March 2015. World...
UCA and IFPRI Launch Kyrgyzstan Spatial
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, April 2, 2015 – The University of Central Asia’s Institute of Public Policy and...
Countries pledge to wipe out sheep and goat plague globally
High-level authorities from 15 countries pledged on Thursday to collaborate on a global plan to wipe out forever the...
Africa's largest trading bloc resolves 80 pct trade restrictive tariffs
The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) said 385 out of 476 NTBs identified as most restrictive to...
3 African nations to launch initiative to spur trade and investment
Three African nations are set to launch an initiative aimed at enhancing trade and investment during the course of this...
Support grows for African factoring firms
African factoring firms have received lines of credit worth US$48mn from the African Export Import Bank (Afreximbank)...
Africa regional trade increases
Latest statistics show that the combined intra-trade of the threeregional economic communities (RECs) for the period...
Cassava growth boosted by climate change
Cassavas is currently one of the world's fastest-growing crops, and is holdingup better to the rising temperatures...
Africa’s future billionaires will be farmers
Africa’s future billionaires and millionaires will make their money from agriculture, says Akinwumi Adesina,...
Air cargo collaboration can unlock intra-African trade potential
African airlines called for greater intra-regional trade, betterconnectivity and more carrier cooperation if they are...
Pan-Africa project to focus on potential of fish trade for increased nutrition and income
A new pan-African project has been launched to strengthen thecontinent’s great potential for increased trade in...
Solomon Islands Trade Policy Framework Launched
The Government has launched the Solomon Islands first ever Trade Policy Framework . The Framework sets out the...
Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands test electronic catch system
The Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority (NFA) will initiate full-scale trials of an innovative catch...
Scientists developing super breadfruit in Pacific
Scientists for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) aredeveloping a super breadfruit (Mae) that will be more...
Towards an integrated market for seeds and fertilizers in West Africa
West African countries have been working for many years to develop andimplement harmonized trade rules for crop inputs...
SADC adopts industrialization strategy
SADC Council of Ministers have adopted the region’s industrialisationstrategy and roadmap to boost the economic...
Facilitating regional integration in East Africa: AfDB supports Mombasa-Mariakani Highway project
The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) approved on 11th March 2015 an African Development...
East African industry and investment environment has improved
Investments in trade infrastructure as well as the removal of bureaucratic and procedural barriers to economic...
East Africa: Tanzania Ready for EA Single Customs Territory
Tanzania is going for full fledged Single Customs Territory (SCT) in the next financial year, thanks to the successful...