AR4D Information Gateway

As a founding member of the Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) initiative, the Global Forum shares the objective of making agricultural research information and knowledge available and accessible to all.
The e-GFAR Gateway currently offers the following services (see links on the left):
The AR4D web and documents search engine
Our advanced search engines are based on Google and specifically designed to find agricultural research and development related information in as many relevant websites as possible.
The AR4D News Aggregator & AgriFeeds
Here you can find news and announcements automatically gathered from a wide range of partner organizations.
Our main source is AgriFeeds, the agricultural news and events aggregator created by FAO, GFAR and other partners within the CIARD initiative.
The CIARD Routemap to Information Nodes and Gateways (RING) (more info here) is a project implemented under the umbrella of the Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) initiative and is led by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR).
The Routemap consists of a registry of existing information services for ARD, indexed and described in a way that makes them more easily exploitable for building value-added integrated services.
The RING is part of the e-GFAR gateway to information: visit it at
Useful web links
Here you can find links to the websites of the Global Forum’s stakeholders and partners, as well as other useful web resources.
Institutions search engines
From this section you can simultaneously search four major databases containing information on relevant institutions: the GFAR database of organizations, the FAO NARS database, the WISARD database of institutions and the Infosys+ directory of institutions.