Items in the category "Information and Communication Management"

Global CIARD Consultation, Addis Ababa, 6-9 May 2013

Global CIARD Consultation, Addis Ababa, 6-9 May 2013 - Image [Events] Global consultation on the future of the CIARD (Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development) movement. Objectives of the Consultation: review progress and achievements to date, and identify lessons learned consider the priority areas of action identified in...

GCARD2. Breakout session C3.1 Sharing and Using Agricultural Knowledge - Briefing Paper. Access, Sharing and Transformation of Agricultural Data and Information

Image - EGFAR [Document] Three priority areas of action for making data and information accessible will be discussed. The first priority area is to improve investment through introduction of sound policies and coordinated global, regional and national approaches. The second priority is to develop organizational...

AgriVIVO for enabling global networking for agriculture. Concept Note

Image - EGFAR [Document] Concept note for the AgriVIVO project. The primary goal of AgriVIVO is to facilitate better networking of individual researchers and the organizations they belong to for better collaborations and less duplication of efforts. This project will demonstrate the potential for AgriVIVO to leverage...

AgriVIVO: an Ontology-based Store of URIs and Relations between Entities in Agricultural Research

Image - EGFAR [Document] In order to facilitate better collaboration between agricultural research actors and ensure more effective management of research projects and more rational funding, it is desirable to have access to comprehensive information on people's expertise, areas of activities of Institutions, existing...

Interim Proceedings of International Expert Consultation on “Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing”. Beijing, 20-23 June 2011

Image - EGFAR [Document] The International Expert Consultation at Beijing from 20-23 June 2011 sought to stimulate and develop broad-based consideration of AR4D data and is an initial step in a future global activity towards more effective and efficient sharing of Agriculture research-related data and information. The...

Enhancing Information and Knowledge Systems for Agricultural Research and Innovation in West Asia and North Africa

Image - EGFAR [Document] Presentation for AARINENA General Assembly. Damascus. 12-14 October 2008

International Consultation on Agricultural Research for Development and Innovation: Addressing emerging challenges and exploiting opportunities through Information and Communication Technologies

Image - EGFAR [Document] Consultation organized by the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR), FAO of the UN (FAO), Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions APAARI), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Consultation held at ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India, in...

2nd EGFAR Task Force Meeting. 11/12/2009. ICRISAT, Patancheru (Hyderabad), India. Proceedings

Image - EGFAR [Document] The EGFAR Taskforce has the task of ensuring inclusiveness of the Regional Forums in the management of EGFAR, which is the web space of all the GFAR stakeholders and should be co-managed by the Regional Forums.

5th ICM4ARD Inter-Regional Workshop. 11/12/2009 ICRISAT, Patancheru (Hyderabad), India. Proceedings

Image - EGFAR [Document] The ICM4ARD GPP focuses on four issues: advocacy, capacities of IC managers, integration and coherence in information management and improving the governance of the information flow. The major activities within the GPP have been the several regional and inter-regional workshops held every year,...

Special Issue of Crop Science on Science Forum 2009

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) of the CGIAR is pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the journal Crop Science dedicated to a selection of papers presented at the CGIAR Science Forum 2009. Convened by the Science Council (now the ISPC) Science Forum 2009...

Investing in Agricultural Development. Information, Knowledge and Communication the Fertilizers of Future Research Harvests

Image - EGFAR [Document] Like the famous NPK fertilizer formula1 for plant growth, agricultural organizations and institutions require regular doses of the three information, knowledge and communication elements. In the right combinations, and with suitable tools and devices to formulate, spread and apply them, these ¿...

Adoption of Information and Communications Technologies in Agricultural Research for Development

Image - EGFAR [Document] Paper presented at the World Conference on Agricultural information and IT (IAALD-AFITA-WCCA 2008), in the preliminary workshop on "Adoption of ICT Enabled Information Systems for Agricultural Development and Rural Viability". Abstract: This document, based on information gathered by GFAR through...

Developing the Global ARD Web Ring

Image - EGFAR [Document] Paper presented at the World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT (IAALD-AFITA-WCCA 2008). Abstract: As one of its main activities, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) promotes, advocates and enables sharing of information and knowledge related, in general, to agricultural...

Advocacy by Regional Forums for Improving Information Sharing and Exchange in Agricultural Research for Development

Image - EGFAR [Document] GFAR aims to improve the global flow of agricultural research information and information and communications management for agricultural research for development through four inter-related actions: 1) Awareness, sensitization and advocacy to National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) leaders and...

The ARD Web Ring. A draft proposal.

Image - EGFAR [Document] This document defines the Global ARD Web Ring as a ¿voluntary coalition of web spaces that share information related to agricultural research and innovation for development.¿ All partners under in the Web Ring project should make ARD related information sources more accessible through each other.

EGFAR, the GFAR web space. A technical overview

Image - EGFAR [Document] EGFAR technical brochure

Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the EGFAR Task Force held at FAO Headquarters Rome in the Forenoon of 26th September 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the EGFAR Task Force, September 2007

Proceedings of the 4th Inter-Regional Consultation for the ICM4ARD GPP held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy in the afternoon of 26th September 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] Proceedings of the 4th Inter-Regional Consultation for the ICM4ARD GPP, September 2007

R A I L S implementation workshop. 17¿19 January 2007 FARA Secretariat, Accra, Ghana

Image - EGFAR [Document] The purpose of this workshop was to review and validate an implementation framework for the regional agricultural information and learning systems (RAILS) project for immediate application by Africa¿s sub-regional organizations (SROs), national agricultural research systems (NARS) and related...